Imagine 10: Snowy Kisses

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(Y/N)'s P.O.V

Joe, Caspar, Oli, and I deicided to head to Big Bear in Palm Springs, California to hang in the snow. We were staying in a nice hotel in Palm Springs. To save money, we were all in one room. Joe and I on one bed and Caspar and Oli on the other.

I felt drops of water being spilled all over me. Once I realised what was happening, a cup filled with freezing cold water spilled all over Joe and I. I wiped the water off my face. There Caspar stood laughing his face off.

"Fuck off," I whined, shoving my face into Joe's chest.

"(Y/N), you're face still has water on it!" Joe whined before we all bursted into laughter.

"C'mon! We need to start getting ready," Oli said as he ran into the bathroom to get ready. After Joe and I dried off a bit, Joe placed a soft kiss on my lips.

"Eww! You two are absolutely disgusting!" Caspar gagged while I got up to get my snow gear. The snow is supposed to be pretty deep. Once Oli got out of the bathroom, I got ready followed by Joe and Caspar. After what felt like years, everyone was ready to go. I grabbed my bag filled with clothes to change into after and hopped into the Uber. We drove off to the trolley and boarded it. Finally, we got up to the snow.

"Look at the snow! It's so fresh!" Caspar smiled, running out into the snow. The rest of us followed behind. The snow was so gorgeous. Joe took out his camera and vlogged everything. As we walked through the snow, I felt something freezing cold on the back of my head. I turned around to see Joe laughing his face off.

"Oh my God. You are such a dick!" I screamed, taking a snowball and throwing it right at Joe's face. Soon enough everyone had snow all over eachother. Joe and I deiced to take a cute picture of us with all the snow, kissing. It was freaking adorable. We decided to go find somewhere to go sledding.

"It's this way," Oli said as we followed behind him.

"Oli, we're off the track. My feet keep getting stuck in the snow. Remember, I'm short!" I whined as Joe helped me out of the snow for what felt like the the a hundredth time.

"Love, do you want me to carry you?" Joe asked, but before I could deny politely, Joe picked me up bridal style. He kissed me on the lips. I giggled a bit.

"Why are you laughing?" Joe chuckled.

"You have snow all over your lips," I explained as Joe kissed me again. We both laughed this time.

"You're so adorable," Joe smiled as Joe tripped on something and fell onto the blanket of snow. We stumbled in a very sexual position. Caspar and Oli instantly turned around and laughed so hard to the point that they were crying.

"Are you guys trying to fuck in the snow?" Oli laughed as Joe threw a snowball at Oli's dick.

"Bloody hell! That actually hurt!" Oli yelled as the rest of us laughed. Joe helped me up and carried me once again. Finally, we got back onto the trail, and there was a huge hill with tons of people sledding down it in front of us.

"Race you to the top," I said to the boys, and I tried my hardest to get to the top of the hill while holding my sled. I got to the top to see the boys a tiny bit behind me.

" I didn't know you were so fast, (Y/N)," Caspar said as he took in a deep breathe.

"I'm not, you guys are just extremely slow!" I giggled as I hopped onto my sled  and rode down. The breeze was freezing cold, but it was so much fun. Joe went, then Caspar, and then Oli. We sat down for a bit, and I started to get a headache from the high altitude. I laid my head on Joe's lap even though there was snow all over it.

"Love, my head hurts," I said as Joe played with some of my lose strands of hair. 

"I have medicine," Joe said as he took out a small bottle and handed me a pill. I took the pill with my water, and I laid back down on Joe's lap.

"I love you, Joe," I said, holding his gloved hands.

"I love you, too, (Y/N)," Joe responded, lifting my head up to kiss my lips. The kiss was filled with love and passion. I couldn't even feel my headache anymore.

"Hey, lovebirds! Let's go! It's freezing," Caspar said as Joe helped me up and carried me again.

"You can put me down now. We're on the trail," I said, caressing Joe's cheek.

"I know, but I want to carry you," Joe smiled as we made our way out of the snow and to the bigger and steep trail.

"My ass is numb," I giggled as Joe laughed as well. Joe rubbed my ass and we both laughed. He put me down because the trail is very slippery. All of us hiked the trail  and finally got to the top. Once we go to the hotel, I crashed on the bed with Joe by my side.


Hey people! I'm in Palm Springs, and I decided to write a new imagine based on what I did in Big Bear. Obviously, Jaspoli weren't there, but my ass did get numb! And I did get my feet stuck in the snow all the time. It felt like hell. I hate the snow when it's deep.

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