Imagine 3: Cheating

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(Y/N)'s P.O.V

I woke up on Joe and I's shared bed alone. Usually, he would be with me, but he said he went to Zoe's. Straightening my hair up a bit, I walked through the freezing cold apartment.

I decided to send Joe a little good morning text before making some breakfast for Caspar and I. Since we had literally nothing in our cupboards, I decided to make some plain old bacon and eggs. After I finished cooking, I gently knocked on Caspar's door.

"It's open!" Caspar yelled. I actually got a bit started because I didn't except him to be up.

"Morning, Casp. I made some breakfast," I smiled, shutting Caspar's door again. I walked back into the kitchen to eat my breakfast. During the meal, I scrolled through all my social media.

I also checked if Joe had seen my text. Still nothing. It's been almost an hour. What can he be possibly doing? You know what? I'm probably just overreacting. He's probably just asleep. I've always been an overprotective person. All of a sudden, my phone started ringing. It was Zoe.

"Hey, Zozebo!" I said in my usual cheery tone.

"Hey, (Y/N) can I talk to Joe? He hasn't been picking up my calls," Zoe said. My heart literally dropped.

"Um, he said he went off to yours. He probably meant to say he was off to someone else's," I responded hesitantly.

"Really? That's not something Joe would do," Zoe commented. My palms started to get all clammy.

"You should go call him, (Y/N). This doesn't look too good. If you need anything, just call me. I hope everything is fine," Zoe added.

"Me too," I said before instantly dialing Joe's number. His contact picture was of him and I kissing on the streets of Paris, the city of love. I instantly started to get upset. We've been together for over 4 years now, and we're even engaged. Could he he really be cheating on me? What surprise, he didn't pick up. I felt my hands turn into a fist.

"Caspar!" I yelled before he started running up the stairs and to the kitchen.

"Do you know where Joe is?" I asked in hope that Caspar knew what was up, but sadly, things didn't end up the way I wanted it to.

"He said he went to Zoe's." Caspar answered.

"I just called Zoe, he's not there!" I panicked.

"Calm down, (Y/N)," Caspar responded quickly.

"I can't! What if he's with another girl? I love Joe so fucking much and I thought he did, too. It isn't like Joe to do this kind of bullshit! I thought Joe loved me! What if he threw his love for me out the window for some stupid blonde? He knows he doesn't like stupid blondes!" I rambled, crashing onto the couch.

"(Y/N)! Calm down, you'll be fine. Just relax. We can't just jump to conclusions. Joe might be-" Caspar said before being interupted by the door being unlocked. It was Joe.

I took a deep breath and turned around to see Joe. His eyes were red. He had bags under his eyes. He had love bites all over his neck and his clothes were all wrinkled and a bit torn. There were even fucking lipsticks stains on his neck.

"What the actual hell, Joseph Graham Sugg!" I screamed while Caspar walked out the room to give us privacy.

"Wait, (Y/N)," Joe said.

"What can I wait for? You obviously had sex with another woman!" I yelled.

"(Y/N)! Let me speak!" Joe demanded, but he had no right to speak.

"Joe, this is a fucking engagement ring on my finger. If you didn't already know, that means you want to be with me forever. I guess that means something incredibly different for you!" I disagreed.

"(Y/N), stop being a bitch and let me speak!" Joe interupted.

"Okay, so I'm the bitch? Says the one who cheated on me. What more is there to say? It's so simple, Joe! Even a little idiot like you would be able to understand that you stuck your dick into another woman's vagina which isn't the correct thing to do!" I exclaimed.

"So I'm a bitch? Big deal, (Y/N)! Even though I'm a bitch, don't you love me?" Joe said.

"What the actual hell are you talking about? You took my heart and smashed into so many peices! If only you understood the pain I'm going through right now. I spent so much time loving you when I could have been loving someone who was actually worth something! You are just a peice of shit I wasted my time with. I wasted four years of my life with you! This is actually insanity! I was just another rat who fell into your trap. I hope nobody falls in love with you anymore. You don't deserve love if you're going to act this way! I'm done with your shit!" I cried, throwing my ring at his face and grabbing all my stuff. I can't look at Joe anymore.

"Love, I need you," Joe said as I walked out the door in pain. He broke my heart and no one does that to me.

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