Imagine 39: Oh, Sh*t

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(Pardon my potty mouth.)

(Y/N)'s P.O.V.

Today is the day. The day Joe and I finally get married. After seven years, I can finally be called Mrs. Sugg. I've been dreaming about this day since the day Joe asked me to be his girlfriend. It just feels so surreal. The name Mrs. Sugg just sounds so weird in my mind, but that's who I'll be. I was awoken from my sleep at exactly five a.m by Zoe who was in charge of getting everything ready.

"You two need to get up! The forecast was actually correct, and it's not rainy, miserable weather here in Brighton!" Zoe announced as I openned my eyes and saw that it was bright and sunny. It's never looked more beautiful in Brighton in my opinion. We have been trying to get the perfect day to get married in Brighton. From the beginning, we knew it was going to be complicated to get a nice day in Brighton. We stayed at a nice hotel near the beach Joe and I were getting married on.

"I told you, Joe! We just needed to wait for the right day, and look how beautiful it is!" I smiled as I got up from the bed to look out the balcony of the hotel. The beach already had things for our wedding.

"Fine, you're right. But if we have to cancel our wedding one more time, I vote on getting married in Alfie and Zoe's backyard," Joe laughed, joining Zoe and I on the balcony. This is the third time the wedding had been postponed.

"Don't jinx it! We finally got a beautiful day, and I really want to get married here," I repplied whilst Zoe just laughed at the idea of Joe and I getting married in her backyard.

"Let's just take a moment to imagine the two of you getting married in Alfie and I's backyard. You'd probably step in Nala's shit every two steps you take!" Zoe laughed, causing Joe and I to laugh as well.

"Where's Alfie?" Joe questioned once the laughter in the room died down. We walked back into the bedroom. The three of us took a seat on the bed.

"He went to go get breakfast from McDonalds or something. Isn't that great? McDonalds for breakfast on the day you're getting married! What a perfect breakfast on a day like this!" Zoe cheered in a sarcastic tone, sending Joe and I into fits of laughter. To be honest, the McDonalds wasn't as bad as I thought it would be.

"Okay, everyone! Enough hanging out while eating your pancakes. We have some real work to do. Alfie follow Joe, and (Y/N) follow me!" Zoe commanded us, leading me into a room with my dress all laid out for me.

A Few Hours Later

Since breakfast, I haven't seen Joe at all. We were both taken into different rooms to get ready. Zoe insisted that she did my makeup instead of getting a professional makeup artist, and she did amazing. I still can't believe she was able to take the Grinch's face and turn it into something beautiful. That's literally real talent. We then got my dress on, and it looked even more beautiful than I remember. Now, here I am standing in the lobby of the hotel. I was with my dad, and we were about to walk down the aisle.

"Mrs. Sugg. Doesn't that sound so crazy? My little girl is growing up so fast. I still can't believe you're getting married," my dad smiled before placing a kiss on my forehead.

"It almost feels like a dream as funny as it sounds. I've been waiting for this day for what seems like forever. I want to hold this moment in my heart forever. Every second just feels insane," I sighed, looking at the ceremony that was about to begin. I looked over at Zoe, who was my maid of honor, through the glass doors of the lobby. She smiled at me, and I smiled back.

"If you ever need a friend, you got your old man less than an hour away. You're my little girl. Please don't forget that," my dad cooed, giving me a tight squeeze of reassurance.

"How can I forget you when you're constantly calling me to make sure Joe isn't secretly a zombie who's trying to eat my brains?" I joked which caused my dad to laugh. We laughed together until it was quiet again.

"All jokes aside, I think you chose the right guy. As your father, I thought I'd never approve of any of the guys you brought home, but then Joe came along. I saw how much you loved him and how much he loved you. When I first met Joe, I knew he was perfect for you. Your mum and I have been waiting for this day just as long as you have," my dad confessed, causing a smile to spread on my face. My dad smiled back.

Then it was time for me to walk down the aisle. Everyone looked at me with big smiles, causing my cheeks to turn a light shade of pink. As I walked down the aisle with linked arms with my dad, I looked over at Joe who was honestly tearing up, and I was, too. Our eyes connected, and Joe let a tear slide down his cheek. Caspar quickly handed him a tissue from his back pocket, causing me to giggle a bit. Then I was standing in front of Joe. Before I knew it, it was time for us to say our vows.

"(Y/N), you've done so much for me. From something as simple as showing me how to wash the dishes correctly, to something as beautiful as helping me understand what love really is, you have changed my life forever. As corny as it sounds, you really are the only one for me. When we first met on the busy streets of London, I knew I wanted to be with you forever. Now, here we are. I promise to always make you feel just as special as you make me feel," Joe spoke as tears ran down both of our cheeks.

"No one understands me the way you do, Joe. We are literally the most corny people ever, but it's because we just want everything to be perfect for each other. Because of you, I learned that love isn't about being perfect. Love is about being passionate and understanding, and you are passionate and understanding which makes you the only person who I want to share my life with. I promise to love you for who you are even if you're the weirdest person I have ever laid eyes on," I laughed with endless tears running down my cheeks. Joe slowly wiped the tears away with his thumb.

"It's now time. With the power invested in me, I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss the bride," the preacher said as Joe and I leaned in, but right before our lips touched, there was a scream from Caspar.

"Fuck off!" Caspar screamed as my eyes shot open. I was laying on Caspar's couch with my head rested on his lap. It was all just a dream.

"Hey, babe! You finally woke up! Sorry that I was being loud. Joe and I were just playing FIFA," Caspar apologized before I looked up to see Joe waving at me. I sat up while Caspar placed a kiss on my forehead. It was all just a dream. I have feelings for Joe.

Oh, shit.


It's the second to last imagine! I don't have much to say because I wrote all of my thoughts in the very last imagine which is already up, so you should go read the last one!


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