The Last One: Treasure This Forever

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(Y/N)'s P.O.V.

All I can say is unbelievable. The past few days I have been living have been honestly insane. Joe and I got married, and now we're in Hawaii for our honeymoon. Sometimes, it feels like it's a miracle that I found someone who I truly loved, and they loved me as well. When I was younger, I thought no one would would ever love me. Now, here I am sitting on the beach with my husband who has made every day of this honeymoon amazing. My younger self would be amazed.

"We have one more day to make this honeymoon extra special. Do you have anything planned?" I spoke as Joe and I watched the waves of the ocean attack our feet. Joe ran his hand through his hair.

"Ehh, I don't have a ton planned, but I think we'll have lots of fun tomorrow," Joe smiled before placing a soft kiss onto my lips. The sun was still up, and there were still plenty of families present on the beach. I was sifting through the sand with my hands when a huge wave came at the both of us. I tried to get up, but Joe held me down with him. I looked at him, and he had a smirk plastered on his face. The wave was getting closer, and it came right at Joe and I.

"Oh my God! I hate you so much, Joe!" I whined, taking out bits of seaweed from my hair. Joe just laughed at me while he helped take the seaweed out as well.

"Why did you even want to go out on the beach? You know I hate the beach," I giggled while I got up from the wet sand. I held my hand out to help Joe up. Instead of getting up, he pulled me down right as another wave struck. I groaned in frustration.

"Okay, I'll stop," Joe reassured me after he got up from the sand. He laced our hands together and we walked off to our hotel room. The lobby was packed with many tourists. We quickly got on the lift to our room. I grabbed a towel and hopped into the shower. Before I got in, I looked at the time and saw that it was almost six.

"Hey, Joe! Let's eat dinner soon. I'm getting hungry!" I yelled from the shower. I quickly washed my body and hair, dried up, and got dressed.

"We'll just order room service. All the restaurants have hour long waits just for a table for two. It's insane. Plus, I don't want to leave the comfort of our hotel room," Joe laughed, patting and making circular movements on the bed he was sat on. I just laughed at his weird gestures. Joe also took a shower while I used my phone. I grabbed the room service menu, and decided to just get pizza.

"What are you going to get?" Joe asked as he dried his hair with a towel. He then took off the towel and all his hair fell onto his face, making him look like the rear end of an unknown animal. I bursted into laughter, and Joe was soon enough in fits of laughter as well. Once we had collected ourselves, we totally forgot about the room service, since we're such idiots, and decided to just go to a nearby burger place.

The Next Day

The next morning I woke up to kisses being placed on my forehead. I openned my eyes and saw Joe smiling at me. His hair was a huge mess like always, so I pushed some of his hairs back. After placing a short, passionate kiss onto Joe's lips, I smiled at the beauty I call my husband.

"I want every second of today to be perfect. This is our last day before we go back to reality where life isn't as easy. Even if it isn't as easy as this paradise, I'll have you by my side which is just as wonderful," Joe smiled, pulling me out of bed.

"You are so cute, Joe. How did I end up with such an adorable person like you?" I giggled as Joe made a weird face. I just laughed as I fixed my hair which was just as big of a mess as Joe's.

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