Imagine 16: Clubbing

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(Y/N)'s P.O.V.

"Joe, hurry up. Even I'm already ready, and I'm the female in this relationship!" I giggled. Joe and I were going clubbing. We usually don't go clubbing, but Joe and I decided why not go out tonight. There was nothing to do at home. To be completely honest, I kind of hate clubbing because off all the loud music, sluts, man whores, and the intoxicated psychos, but I didn't want to be a buzzkill.

"I'll be out in a second," Joe said as I just laid on our bed. I already knew the night was not going to end too well. In all honesty, I want something to happen like the club was closed for some random reason or some shit, but I don't want anyone to get hurt. Joe eventually walked out of the bathroom with a white t-shirt and black skinny jeans. He looked absolutely amazing.

"That took ten years," I joked as Joe and I walked out of the apartment and hopped into my car.

"Well, sorry that I'm not the Flash," Joe chuckled once we got into the car. I was driving. Joe and I joked around as we neared the club. I started to feel anxious about the decision we made. We got out the car, and we walked to the club with hands laced. Once we walked in, the smell of alcohol hit me in the face.

"C'mon, let's get a drink," Joe said, navigating us through the crowd of the already drunk people. I don't even know what Joe got us, but I barely drank it. I felt so lost in here. Joe eventually lead us to the dance floor. I was being pushed around by other couples. There were guys wolf whistling at me. Joe obviously didn't like that, so he kept kissing me to show that I was with him. Time was nearing midnight, and surprisingly, Joe was still kind of sober.

"Joe, I'll be back. I'm just going to use the restroom real quick," I excused myself as Joe nodded his head. I somehow made my way towards the back of the club where the bathrooms were. I openned the door, and I heard a girl moaning like crazy along with a guy. After I ran out the bathroom in disgust, I tried to forget everything I just heard.

Suddenly, the door for the men's restroom, and a man walked out. Oh, wow! He smelled like alcohol! What a surprise! He was obviously drunk.

"Hey there, gorgeous. What are you doing here all alone?" the guy asked. He started getting closer to me. I started to feel more scared.

"Uh, um. Um- uh I- I- I have boyfriend," I stuttered as I looked around to see if anyone was around to help me. No one was near by besides those people having sex in the bathroom, and I don't think they will be willing to help me out.

"Oh, sweet cheeks. That's what they all say," the guy said, putting his arms on my waist. My eyes widened at his gesture.

"Get off!" I screamed, slapping the guy's arms off my waist.

"Wow, feisty. Me likely," the guy said before he placed his hands back on my waist. He started to trace the waist line of my skirt. The guy moved his hands up and down my sides. I couldn't speak. I tried to open my mouth, but it wouldn't open.

"FUCK OFF!" I heard someone say right as I kneed the guy in the penis. I turned my head to see Joe. I ran over to him.

"Let's go," Joe said as we walked out of the club. We ended up not going clubbing for a while.

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