Imagine 17: Secret Admirer

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Warning: This is a long imagine, so if you're not into long imagines, I SUGGest (see what I did there?) you skip this imagine.

(Y/N)'s P.O.V.

It was senior year. It was that year when I started getting secret admirer notes. Since the first day of school, I received cute secret admirer notes. Whoever it was, was so sweet. They made me feel so important which was something I was not used to because I'm the middle child. Also known as the child whose parents always forget about. My secret admirer cared for me.

"Hey, (Y/N). Do you have a dress for graduation yet?" Mindy, my bestfriend, asked. Mindy was one of the few people who knew about my secret admirer.

"Not yet. We can head to the mall after school if you want. It's not like parents will even notice I'm out of the house. They only care about Britney and Susanna," I responded, saying the last two sentences to myself.

"Sure, meet me in the front of my car after school," Mindy repplied as she waited for me to put my last notebook away. Once I had everything stored in my locker, we walked over to the lunch area also known as hell.

Everyone had their own little tables much like Mean Girls, but without the mean girls. To be fair, my school was okay, but everyone was just so full of themselves. Mindy, Justin (another friend), and I sat in the back of the cafeteria away from most of the drama. I say most because our table is right behind the boys table.

These boys are not your average boys. They are little man whores who were always trying to get into girls' pants. They were little fuckboys who thought they ruled the school. There was one guy who was the best at charming girls. His name was Joseph Sugg. The saddest part was he used to bestfriend in elementary and secondary school. Once we entered high school, he totally forgot about me. He started ignoring me, so I started ignoring him. It was obvious he didn't care about our friendship anymore.

"Hey, (Y/N)! Hey, Mindy!" Justin, our dorky friend, greeted us. He sort of took over Joe's spot in our friend group.

"Hey, Justin," Mindy and I spoke at the same time as I bit into my nasty sandwich. My parents always forgot to make me a sandwich, so I always had to make it myself. It's not like I already have a billion things to do in the morning.

"How's that secret admirer?" Justin whispered, so only we could hear.

"They are sending me cute little origami flowers! They're adorable," I squealed.

"Did I hear the words secret admirer?" someone asked. I immediately recognized that voice.

"Joe, what do you need?" I asked, turning my head towards him. My breath quickened once I saw his gorgeous blue eyes. Oh, I forgot to mention that I did and still do have a major crush on him even though he is a fuckboy. I can't help it, he's just so damn sexy.

"Oh, I just wanted to know about your secret admirer," Joe explained, taking a seat next to Justin.

"You can't sit with us!" Mindy said, obviously quoting Mean Girls. Yeah, we were those kind of girls.

"Oh, whatever your name is. I wasn't planning to sit with you. I just wanted to chat for a second," Joe responded as I rolled my eyes.

"Joe, please leave," I finally spoke as Joe held his hands up in defeat. He walked back to his table in front of us.

"That little bitch," Justin said as we finished our lunch. I was heading to my English class when I realized I left my notebook inside my locker, so I quickly ran to my locker. I couldn't believe what I saw. Joe was putting those secret admirer notes inside my locker.

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