Imagine 21: Harder Than It Seems Pt. 3

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(Y/N)'s P.O.V.

Oh, God. This can't be happening. Right when I realized the paparazzi were recording everything, I ran out of Nandos and drove far away. I'm now parked in a gas station. Millions of texts were being sent to me from Joe. Calls and texts filled my phone. Eventually, I picked up Joe's call.

"(Y/N)! The paparazzi followed you. I'm right behind them, drive!" Joe exclaimed as I turned my head to reveal paparazzi in their car pulling into the gas station. I stepped on the pedal while the paparazzi's car neared mine. With their car right behind me, I drove through random streets of London. They were recording all of this. They thought this was gold.

I was starting to give up. As much as I hate paparazzi, this was just stupid at this point. They're not going to get anything from my mouth because if a word is spoken, everyone knows about it in a blink of an eye. I made a u-turn. Paparazzi took tons of pictures once they saw my face. I rolled my eyes at their stupidity. Joe followed behind as paparazzi stared heading their own ways. I parked in the side of the car.

Why does my relationship status need to be exposed to everyone? I'm not famous or anything. Before Joe and I started dating, barely anyone knew who I was. I'm just the newspaper girl. Who cares if I'm single or not? Fustration and annoyance filled my body. I never wanted to be in the spotlight. It's all Joe's fault. If it weren't for him, I could have had a normal dating life. I burried my face in my hands, looking down at my worn out white Converse. Suddenly, I heard knocking on my window.

"I don't want to answer your stupid questions! Go to Joe for answers, not me," I rolled my eyes without bothering to look up.

"(Y/N), it's Joe. Don't worry, the paparazzi left," Joe said through my closed window. I openned it a bit.

"Joe, please go away. If it weren't for you, I wouldn't even be in this stupid mess," I cried into my hands.

"I get it, (Y/N). I know that all of this is just too much for you. I should've known not to date you," Joe confessed.

"You regret dating me?" I asked with tears running down my face as I looked up at Joe. Pain was clear in my voice.

"Wait, no. I didn't mean that. I don't regret dating you! I mean I feel bad for making your life become so public. If I could turn back time to warn you about all the publicity, I promise I would," Joe spoke.

"Joe, I don't know if I can believe you. So much has happened, and I can't trust you anymore. You betrayed me. Please leave," I responded, starting the engine again. My car wouldn't start.

"For fuck's sake," I said under my breath after I tried to start the car again.

"Need a ride?" Joe smirked. I sighed before getting up and getting out of my car without saying a word. I'll just add that to the annoying things I need to do. Feeling extremely annoyed, Joe lead me to his car.

"Just hurry up and drive," I demanded, opening my phone.

"(Y/N), please believe me when I say I'm sorry. I know I put you through so much pain, but I just want another chance. Gemma is nothing compared to you. I feel so lonely without you. I thought being with Gemma was best for me when really the best thing that was for me was right in front of me. You mean so much to me, and I let you go like you were worth nothing. You are everything to me, (Y/N). I let you go because I was stupid, and I didn't realize that I was in love with you. I didn't know what it felt like to genuinely love someone. I was stupid, and I'm owning up to it right now. Guilt was and still is the only thing I feel knowing that I hurt you so much. I hurt you, and I know I shouldn't have. I regret it all. I regret every little bit. (Y/N), I'm so fucking sorry. Please forgive me," Joe cried. In fact, Joe was sobbing. I was also in tears. It's up to me to me, now.

Should I give Joe a chance?

No, how do you know he's telling the truth?

Yes, he's sobbing for you, dumbass!

Joe betrayed you.

But, you love Joe.

"Joe, my answer is simple. You just need to listen to me. I still love you. But I can't let you back into my life," I sighed, opening the door. I was doing what was best for the both of us. Joe's sobs were still audible as I slowly walked down the streets of London.

"(Y/N)!" Joe scremaed, grabbing onto my wrist.

"Joseph Graham Sugg, let go of me right now," I demanded while I tied to pry Joe's hands off my wrist.

"Please stay with me. You're the only person I want to be with. I promise if you let me back in, I won't be stupid anymore," Joe begged.

"I love you, (Y/N) and only you," Joe said as he let go of my wrist. He gave up. Tons of tears were rolling down Joe's cheeks. I didn't know what to say. I felt guilty knowing that I was the cause of Joe's tears, but Joe did the same to me. What am I supposed to say? Without anymore cares, I placed my lips onto Joe's. At first, he didn't respond, but soon he responded. I felt the sparks I was craving for what felt like centuries. At the moment, I realized Joe was the only guy I needed. And I thought I was going to be single on Valentines Day. But that doesn't me I don't hate Valentines Day anymore.

Joe Sugg and Gemma Styles Find Their Happiness

Happy Valentines Day everyone! I have some news for all you Sugglets out there. Believe it or not, but Joe finally found his true love! That's right folks. Joe recently announced that he is back together with his old ex girlfriend, (Y/N) (Y/L/N). Words can't explain how happy I am for Joe. He confessed that he did do something stupid that caused his and (Y/N)'s breakup, but (Y/N) finally gave him another chance. Isn't that sweet. I guess Joe and (Y/N) won't be spending their Valentines Day alone anymore! Now onto Gemma. Also recently, we found out that Gemma is now dating Louis Tomlinson. Oh boy, let's hope those two make it out alive! Let's all wish the four of them good luck in their lives.Once again, happy Valentines Day!

-Callie Grace


That was part 3! I hope you liked it. More Valentines Day themed imagines might be updated, but we'll see what happens. So yeah. That's it! Bye! xxx

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