Imagine 4: Loosing V-Cards

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( There is no smut in this just in case if you were wondering. You are such horny sluts, I love it! I'm just shit at writing smut! )

(Y/N)'s P.O.V

It was a Friday night at the Jaspar household. Zoe and Alfie were staying over for the night. We were all watching New Girl, my favorite T.V show, and it was the episode where they were talking about losing their virginities.

This episode was very awkward for me to watch because I'm a 23 year old virgin, but I have Joe as my boyfriend. We've never had sex because we haven't really attempted to do it even though we are young adults who are madly in love with eachother. I've been horny and so has Joe, but once again, we haven't had sex. Also, Joe doesn't know I'm a virgin. He's just assumed I've had sex.

"Hey, (Y/N). Can we watch something else?" Joe asked with his arm around my waist.

"Uh, sure," I said faintly, wondering when I would lose my virginity. Is it the right time? Should I lose my virginity to Joe? Should I wait till marriage? You know what? I'm overreacting! When it happens, it's going to happen. It's not like anyone is going to ask about losing virginities or anything.

"So, when did you guys lose your virginities?" Caspar asked. Shit. I'm dead! Dig my grave! Why does my roommate have to be such a slut?

" 19, drunk sex," Joe said simply. I felt my stomach start bubbling up. The fact that some girl got to see my boyfriend naked made me want to jump out a window.

"Ew, I was 20, and it was no big deal," Zoe responded as my hands started to get clammy. Would they judge me? Would they laugh? I'm dying inside.

"17, and I loved every second from it!" Caspar said, making us all gag. Oh shit, it's only Alfie and I who haven't shared our stories. I'm going to puke.

"I don't even know how old, but I'm not a virgin!" Alfie cackled. Holy shit. I'm supposed to share my "magical" experience.

"What about you, love?" Joe asked as my heartbeat started to pick up. This will be the most embarrassing moment of my life. I looked at everyone, and they all just stared at me. Should I lie to them and not be humiliated? Should I tell the truth and not feel guilty? I openned my mouth, but nothing came out. I took a deep breath and spoke.

"I- I'm a v-vi-virgin," I finally spat out as everyone gasped. I buried my face in my knees in embarrassment.

"You haven't even had sex with Joe?" Alfie asked in confusion.

"No," I said quietly still not bothering to look at anyone. Not even my own boyfriend.

"But you and Joe have been together for over a year, Zoe added, making me feel even more worst inside. Joe sat closer to me and rubbed my back. It went silent for about a minute or two. I decided to finally look up at everyone.

"Do you want to wait until marriage?" Joe asked, rubbing circles on my back.

"God, no. It's just I'm so nervous to have sex. Why the hell am I even telling you guys this?" I said as a tear rolled down my cheek. Joe took my hand and he walked me into his room.

"(Y/N), you shouldn't be ashamed. There are tons of virgins out there older than you! It just shows that not all women these days open their legs for anyone and everyone. I know this is probably the most awkward conversation we've had, but we need to talk about this. I don't want you to feel that you are living your life incorrectly or some shit. Some of us take longer than others. You are the most amazing girl I've met and that's all I care about. I honestly don't care if you're terrible in bed. I fell in love with your personality," Joe said, placing his soft lips onto mine.

It was about midnight now, and we were all knocked out. Zalfie were asleep on the couch, so I gave them some blankets before walking into Joe's room.

Joe was already laying in bed. I brushed my teeth, wiped my minimal amount of makeup away, and changed into some pajama shorts and a tank top like always. This night was shit, and I just wanted it to be the next day already. I'm tired of making a fool out of myself.

I laid down beside Joe and checked my phone before turning to face Joe. He stared at me for a bit and smiled. My heart started racing. He placed his lips onto mine once again. I deepened the kiss, and we explored eachother's mouths. I pulled away slowly.

"I'm tired of being a virgin," I sighed, tracing Joe's v-line.

"Want me to change that for you?" Joe smirked, giving me a very flirtatious wink.

"Sure, big boy."

The Next Morning

I woke up feeling extremely sore. For a second I wondered why, but I looked under the blankets to see both Joe and I completely naked. I giggled a bit, realising I wasn't a virgin anymore. I don't know why, but I was extremely happy, so I woke up Joe.

"Morning love! I'm not a virgin anymore!" I smiled in excitement clear in my voice.

"I know, that's why there's some of my hair on the floor. I wonder where that came from," Joe chuckled in his sexy morning voice. I kissed Joe on the lips before getting up to pick my clothes up from the floor. They were ripped.

"Jesus Christ, what did you do to my clothes?" I giggled as Joe laughed along. He got up as well.

"Hey, do you have a char- Oh my fucking God!" Zoe screamed in terror. Joe and I both bursted into laughter.

"Sorry, Zozebo!" I apologized, laughing my face off.

"I WILL NEVER BE ABLE TO UNSEE THAT!" Zoe yelled, running up the stairs. Joe and I both got dressed and made our way upstairs.

"Are you dressed this time?" Zoe joked, watching T.V.

"ZOE! ZOE! ZOE!" I screamed, pulling her into Joe's room.

"What the hell is going on, (Y/N)?" Zoe asked in confusion.

"I lost my virginity to Joe!" I smiled with so much excitement.

"I'm happy yet grossed out at the same time because you lost your virginity to my brother!" Zoe giggled as she wrapped her arms around me.

"Wait, (Y/N) lost her virginity?" Caspar barged in, scaring the crap out of me.

"Caspar! Don't ever eavesdrop ever again, but I did!" I smiled. I'm already guessing Joe already told Alfie. I may have lost my virginity in a very weird way, but it's better than nothing!

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