Imagine 34: Monsters

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Slanted writing like this means it is part of the dream.
And regular writing like this means the usual.

(Y/N)'s P.O.V.

As an adult, you're not supposed to believe in monsters. Personally, I do believe in monsters. These monsters aren't like the monsters in Monsters Inc. In fact, I believe monsters look exactly like us. Monsters take on the form of humans and try to live like us. These monsters try to ruin our society. They don't ruin our society by scarring us. They ruin our society by poisoning the minds of the youth, hurting innocent people, and putting on masks so people can fall in love with them. That's how I believe monsters ruin us. I didn't get to understand this by just sitting in the shower for five hours. I learned this by some crazy nightmare.

"It's just a normal house party. It's nothing too crazy!" my best friend, Erin, explained as she pulled me out of bed. Erin has been trying to get me a date when I'm just fine being single. She's trying to convince me to go to "an innocent house party." The last time Erin said it's just an innocent house party I woke up naked next to a giraffe wearing Mickey Mouse ears and my Vans. I'm never getting those Vans back.

"Are you kidding me, Erin? An innocent house party is going to end up with the police outside. You get us in terrible situations, and I don't feel like calling my mum to bail us out from jail. She's going to be freaking pissed if she bails us out again. To this day, I don't even know why we were in jail!" I protested, covering my face with a pillow.

"You're single as fuck, (Y/N). You've had one boyfriend for five months, and that's basically all that's happened in your love life. You're still a virgin aren't you?" Erin taunted me before I took the pillow off my face. I gave her the "don't you dare" look, so she gave me the "watch me" look. She smirked at my absolute fear.

"January 18, back in 2009. (If you got the back in 2009 reference, I love you) A small (Y/N) was walking around a club. Keep in mind it was her first time in a club," Erin started, causing me to slap her continuously. "She met an actual nerd, and they had sex. It was obvious that those two had no idea what they were doing, so (Y/N) somehow got a bloody nose," Erin giggled evilly as I screamed into my pillow in embarrassment. I somehow got a bloody nose while having sex. I'm an actual freak.

"You're going to that party. If you don't, I will go and make sure to tell everyone about your magical first time," Erin snickered as I groaned in annoyance. Erin and I always "fight" like this. It's just our way of showing our friendship.

"I don't even have anything to wear to this house party," I groaned when really I was just planning to wearing some leggings and a t-shirt.

"I can tell you're lying, (Y/N). I've know you for like fifteen years," Erin giggled as she hopped into my bed with me and whipped out her phone to probably go on Instagram or something.

"Fine. Are you going to force me to wear something slutty?" I sighed, grabbing my laptop that was sat on my floor along with laundry I had to do.

"Nah, I don't feel like it," Erin answered, making me look at her with widened eyes and an agape mouth. I looked at her confused. I thought there was going to be catch, but there wasn't a catch. She just continued to scroll through her Instagram feed. I looked at her still confused.

"No catch?" I finally spoke up, causing Erin to start laughing at my behavior. I couldn't help it. It's not like Erin to just let me wear whatever I want to a party.

"Nothing. By the way, we're leavening in two hours," Erin answered as she got up from my bed. I decided to actually get out of my bed and do something productive. I openned my laptop to see it was half past two. I answered emails and edited videos for my YouTube channel I share with my good friend, Katie. Katie lives in California, and we met when I was looking for a place to live. We became really close and started our YouTube channel where we post random things about our lives. We had about two million subscribers.

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