Imagine 33: Don't Run

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Requested by @swaggylikedaryl

(Y/N)'s P.O.V

Throwing up. That's what I've been doing for the past few days. Constant throwing up. Missed my period. That's what I'm worried about. No period. Weird dreams. That's what's going on in my head when I go to sleep at night. Extremely weird dreams. There has to be something wrong with me.

"Love, are you okay? You've been in the bathroom for almost an hour," Joe spoke through the door of our bathroom. I sighed, hoping that I had a cold or something, but my pregnancy test begged to differ. Tears ran down my cheeks. It was positive. Feeling uneasy, I openned the door and walked out with the pregnancy test behind my back. Joe was sat on our bed. I took a seat beside him and handed him the pregnancy test. Joe read it and looked at me like I killed someone.

"What? You're pregnant?" Joe questioned, standing up from our bed. I looked down at my feet while nodding my head slowly. I was disappointed in myself.

"Are you kidding me? I can't be a dad! You can't be a mum! We can't be parents. We can't raise a child," Joe sighed before falling back onto the bed in disbelief.

"How do you know we can't be parents? Ever head of something called hope?" I rolled my eyes while I massaged my temples, trying to get rid of my headache.

"Why would you even say that? We're still young! We're only 24! What will the public say about this?" Joe retorted. At this point, Joe and I were pacing around the room.

"Since when did you care about what the public says! You're the one who told me, 'Fuck the public. They don't know what they're talking about.' I want to talk to that Joe instead becuase the Joe I'm talking to right now is being an actual bitch!" I exclaimed, pulling my hair.

"The public are the reason why we have money! This house would probably not be ours if it weren't for YouTube. YouTube is the public. The public is basically keeping our lives together!" Joe exclaimed before throwing a pillow at me.

"Stop acting like it's all my fault that I'm pregnant! You're the one who got me pregnant. You should've used a damn condom. It's not that difficult to put on!" I defended myself before throwing the same pillow back at Joe.

"Bloody hell, (Y/N)! You're so annoying! I swear to God if this child has your traits," Joe rolled his eyes at me.

"Why would it matter if my child had my traits? It's not like you'll ever meet the child. I don't want the poor child to be aware of this kind of behavior you call a personality!" I yelled, pulling my hair once again.

"I'm leaving," Joe announced before grabbing his phone and wallet and walking out. I looked out the window and saw Joe walking down the street.

As he took a glance at the house, I whispered," Don't run." I grabbed a pillow and screamed into it, letting go of all my anger. Joe is always trying to run away whenever something goes wrong. He can't handle things when they aren't ideally happy situations. Joe doesn't know how to cope with feelings. That's why he runs away, but I try my hardest to make sure he stays in my arms. Sadly, it usually ends up with him getting his way which is running away.

With heavy eyelids, I stared up at my ceiling, thinking about how I could have somehow approached the situation in a better way. I should've known that Joe would have taken it badly. I know that Joe wants a child but not right now. The both of us are just so busy, and a child isn't really ideal right now. At the same time, I don't want to give the baby up. (Please don't start arguing about abortion in the comments. Thank you.)

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