Imagine 26: Trusting Was The Biggest Mistake

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(Y/N)'s P.O.V.

"C'mon, Officer (Y/N). I promise you I didn't do it," Joe, one of the criminals in jail, complained with a smirk as I walked him to his cell. I openned it and threw Joe in.

"You robbed the bank without a mask. Are you an idiot?" I questioned as Joe just chuckled while I locked his cell.

"(Y/N), can you take my shift tonight? My wife's water just broke," one of my coworkers asked.

"Um, I guess. It's not like I had plans on my Friday night," I answered, sarcastically saying the last part to myself.

"You're only watching over Joseph Sugg and Gabriel Jones," my coworker added before he ran out the building in seconds. I took a seat on a chair at the desk near the prisson cells.

"I guess it's just me, you, and Gabriel over there who is probably taking a massive shit," Joe laughed as I rolled my eyes, but Gabriel was actually taking a shit. I hate working night shifts.

"Why did you do it?" I asked Joe as he returned his attention back to me.

"Do what?" Joe questioned, genuinely confused.

"Why did you rob the bank? The owner of the bank even said you were threatening to kill some of the innocent people. You seem like a somewhat nice person," I explained.

"Well, my girlfriend and I were struggling to make money and pay for our nasty, old flat. We promised eachother that we would one day have a nice house and be happy even if one of us past on. The way we were living wasn't healthy. All we ate was disgusting food we found in the trash cans around the neighborhood. It was midnight, and my girlfriend went to a tiny grocery store because we finally had enough money to at least buy some clean water and some bread. I remember she was so happy when she realized we had enough money to have somewhat healthy food. She texted me with her old flip phone, saying she was going to take the short way which was a dark alley. I knew I was stupid to not object, but it happened. She was murdered. I kept our promise about the money, so I robbed the bank in hope that I could fulfill our promise," Joe spoke. A tear went running down my cheek. I actually felt bad for Joe. I'm not the kind of person who cries during movies or book, but that was something different. I quickly wiped my tear away once I noticed Joe's eyes were back on me. I trusted him.

"I'm sorry for asking why. I should've know tha-" I apologized before Joe cut me off.

"It's alright, Officer (Y/N). I've moved on. It has been about a year since the incident happened. Of course it still brings pain, but the pain has reduced as time went on. Everything happens for a reason, right?" Joe responded. I've never felt so bad for criminal before. Joe just wanted to make his late girlfriend happy.

My heart was telling me to let him escape and fulfill his promise, but my brain was telling me otherwise. Joe is a criminal for crying out loud. My job is to keep criminals away from the innocent people in my community. Joe deserves to be out there and do what his heart is telling him to. I looked into Joe's gorgeous, sparkling blue eyes. Those eyes sold the deal.

"Joe, I'm going to let you go. Please don't hurt anyone anymore. I know you're better than that," I said quietly while opening his prisson cell. Joe gladly got up with a smirk. He walked up to me with his face only a few centimeters away from mine.

"So gullible," Joe said extremely quietly while he took my gun and held it right in front of me.

"Are you kidding me?" I gasped, looking around the prisson to see if anyone saw what was happening. I knew it was stupid to trust Joe.

"Did you really believe that girlfriend crap? Bitch, I want all the fucking money to myself, and I'm not letting any mother fucker get in my way. You hear me? If you call for help, I shoot this gun at you. If you stay quiet and be a good girl, I'm still going to shoot you. It's not like you actually know how to defend yourself. You're nothing but an average twenty-something year old female who has the mind and skills of a fucking four year old girl." Joe threatened me.

"Well, I don't think a little four year old girl can do this," I said  while kneeing him in his dick and grabbing my gun. Joe winced in pain as I smirked.

"Get back in your cage you filthy animal before I shoot you," I demanded. Joe slowly walked back into his prisson cell. I
locked the cell while still pointing my gun at him.

"Liars don't make it far in life. When it seems like they are making it far, they're just lying to you and themselves," I spoke.



Also, sorry about the crappy imagine. I need more requests! Btw. When you send requests, I prefer private messages rather than comments. If you have no choice but to comment, that's totally fine. Just wanted to give you a heads up. Hope you have great day! xxx

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