Imagine 29: Crazy Incident

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Requested by @insanityOX

(Y/N)'s P.O.V.

Crazy incidents happen every day. For example, you might have forgotten your phone and went literally insane, lost your virginity because of a silly conversation with your friends, or made an amazing cover of Hisyory by One Direction with your boyfriend. Crazy incidents don't have to be necessarily bad. These crazy incidents happen everyday, and sometimes you don't even realize these crazy incidents are even happening. In my case, that's what happened. My crazy incident happened almost everyday for a long time, but I never realized what was happening.

"Dinner is almost ready, Joe," I said, fixing the last bowl of soup that my mom taught me how to make when I was a little girl. My mom was a fantastic chef, but she passed away when I was a teenager.

"I'm coming. I just need to do some things," Joe explained as I sat our bowls on the table. Then, there were loud footsteps that belonged to Joseph Sugg, my boyfriend who I'd been with for almost five years. His beautiful face appeared and he took a seat at the table on the opposite side of me.

"Are you heading to Oli's place again?" I asked, hoping he would say no. He's been staying at Oli's house overnight for the past month, leaving me to sleep on my own. I missed hearing Joe's soft snores and waking up to see his hair looking like an absolute mess. Don't get me wrong, I love Oli and how Joe wanted to spend time with his mates, but I just want to have quality time with my boyfriend like we did five years ago. I just wanted Joe to realize I missed him like crazy. He always came back home with bags under his eyes. It was suspicious, but I just pretended like those bags weren't there.

"Yeah, we need to film a new video together," Joe repplied before drinking all of the soup. He then looked at his phone.

"I better get going now. See you tomorrow," Joe announced, walking out the door. Earlier on in our relationship, he used to kiss me before leaving to go anywhere even if he was just going to get his phone from downstairs. I nodded my head, trying to not show emotion.

At this point, I was disappointed, so I hopped into my car and followed Joe who was walking on the sidewalk. He already passed Oli's house, and he walked into a club with two other girls. I was just wearing leggings and an old One Direction t-shirt, but I didn't care. I walked into the club to see Joe and another girl making out. My mouth dropped. Pain, anger, disappointment, and so many other emotions filled my body. Without warning, I grabbed Joe's arm and led him outside to a small road with not many people near it.

"What the hell were you doing kissing that girl?" I questioned with a tear sliding down my cheek. Joe wouldn't reply which just added to the anger I was already experiencing.

"Joseph Graham Sugg, I've know you for so freaking long, and you're treating me like all the sluts in the club right now," I spoke. trying to sound confident.

"(Y/N), I just don't love you anymore. I grew tired of you and your silly personality. It's just not what I look for in a girl. Taste buds change just like my taste in women. You're just not my ideal girlfriend anymore. Those girls in there are my taste, not you. I'm tired of dating the nerdy, childish girl. I want real women," Joe explained as more tears slid down my cheeks. He showed no kind of pity or anything. In fact, he looked happy that he was finally letting me go.

"I can't believe you used to be the same sweet, loving guy who used to Skype me every night when I went to college in New York. Who are you? You're not the same Joe I used to love. You're some kind of demon version of Joe," I cried, failing to keep my tears for later where Joe can't judge me.

"Do you not understand that people change? It's like you expect me to be the same forever!" Joe exclaimed with annoyance clear in his eyes.

"People will change, but their love for someone won't," I commented as I wiped my tears away. I'm tired of crying.

"You are such an idiot! Do you think we're in some kind of John Green book or some shit? I can't believe I actually called you my girlfriend!" Joe rolled his eyes.

"I should've known your dick is so small becuase you shoved 3/4 of it up your personality," I retorted, walking back to my car.

"You will never find another guy like me!" Joe yelled before I openned the door to my car.

"That's kind of the point!" I yelled back, driving off through the lonely streets of London.

That crazy incident lead to another crazy incident. It turned out that the crazy incident wasn't necessarily a bad one. After I left, I ran into a very unique guy. By ran into, I mean almost ran over. It turned out that guy ended up being my husband, Dan Howell. We had five beautiful children.

For Joe, life had a lot more bad crazy incidents for him than me. He ended up crawling back to me, but we all knew I wasn't letting that ass hole back into my life. I had everything I needed just because of a crazy incident.

I guess crazy incidents aren't always as bad as they seem.

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