Imagine 19: Harder Than It Seems Pt. 1

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I know it's weird that I have my author's not here in the beginning, but I just wanted to let you guys know that this can be like a part 2 for one of my older imagines, Cheating. You guys wanted a part 2, so this can serve as your part 2. I wanted to do a Valentines Day themed story that wasn't like the others, so I made it a breakup Valentines Day story! Also, I know I said I don't like to split imagines into parts, but this would be too long if I put it all in one. So yeah! I hope you enjoy! xxx

(Y/N)'s P.O.V.

Oh, great. It's February. That means Valentines Day crap will be filling your local Tesco. For some people, that's heaven, but for me, that is absolute hell. I've been single since my boyfriend, Joe- oh, I mean shit face, cheated on me a year ago. To make matters worse, he cheated on me with Gemma Styles. Joe on cheated me with fucking Harry Styles' sister, and they're still dating.

Joe moved on real quick. He's over there fucking Gemma like there is no tomorrow meanwhile I'm keeping my pants on like a god girl. It's like he never actually cared about me. Like, what the hell? We were freaking engaged, but Joe threw his so called love for me away.

Back to Valentines Day. Why do we have it? Why can't you do something loving for your partner everyday? In fact, I believe Valentines Day is just a day we have to make single people like me feel extremely bad for ourselves when really we should be happy that we're single. We can go to sleep at night and not have to worry if our significant other is sexting someone that isn't us. Single is better than dating and in pain.

With breath that could kill practically anything, I hopped out of my bed knowing that I was a free bird who didn't have to worry about finding the perfect gift for my boyfriend. Single is fun. Single means more money for me and not someone else. I openned my cupboard and grabbed my box of happiness A.K.A. Krave. I freaking love that cereal. America is a fatty, delecious place for single people like me to enjoy.

I ate my cereal and turned on the T.V. Oh, look. Nothing to watch, what a surprise. Once I gave up on finding something to watch, I grabbed my phone. Taking another scoop of cereal, I looked through my Instagram. Apparently, there was something going on with Kim Kardashian which I don't give a shit about, dogs wearing pants, and memes about Squidward dabbing, so it was just the same things you see on Instagram.

Then, I came across a little gossip. Mmmm, my favorite things on the Internet. Nothing makes a day better like gossip does. I feed on all that juicy information. I live for gossip. It feels good knowing you know what's going on in the Internet. Now, back to the gossip.

Joe Sugg And Gemma Styles Break Up!

The Internet exploded when they found out that YouTube sensation, Joe Sugg, and sister of Harry Styles, Gemma Styles, broke up. This couple was probably the cutest couple we had ever seen besides Harry and Taylor. According to Joe, things just weren't working out. The saddest part is that they broke up literally right before Valentines Day. Who's going to be their valentines? Also, this isn't the first time one of Joe's breakups have been exposed to the Internet! About a year ago, Joe Sugg and (Y/N) (Y/L/N) broke up. (Y/N) said that Joe cheated on her! That's just what fans are saying, but you never know. Joe and (Y/N) were even engaged! But back to Joe and Gemma! Gemma hasn't said anything about the breakup, but it is bound to happen! Right? She can't keep their breakup a secret. It's seems like Joe is having trouble with finding the right girl. All in all, I wish Joe good luck in finding his perfect girl.

-Callie Grace

I don't know how to feel. Joe is single again. Should I feel happy? Should I feel bad? My ex left his girlfriend. This is just weird. If only I didn't look at my phone I wouldn't be confused like this. Sometimes, I hate the Internet. I know I would've stumbled upon it at some point, but this just ruined my day. Suddenly, my phone started ringing. Speaking of the devil, it was Joe.

"What on earth do you want?" I asked in a harsh tone.

"Hello to you, too. I was just wondering if you wanted to meet up for coffee or something," Joe said as I rolled my eyes.

"I can't even believe you, Sugg. Just because you and Gemma broke up doesn't mean you can come crawling back to me!" I defended myself.

"But, (Y/N)! I've changed," Joe answered, making me roll my eyes once again.

"Yeah right! That's what they all say. You broke my heart, and I've finally found a way to put it back together. I spent so much time putting my heart back together, and I'm not going to let you shatter it all over agin. Good bye, Joe," I said as I hung up. I'm not going to let Joe back into my life that easy.

I washed my bowl and walked back into my room. How stupid does Joe think I am? He probably just wants me back to show the world he has someone for Valentines Day. And once Valentines Day is over, he'll shatter my heart all over again. Joe lied to me and is trying to again, but I'm not letting him even if I have to do everything I can to keep him away.

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