Imagine 8: No Tattoss

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(Y/N)'s P.O.V

I have nothing against tattoos. It's just the storyline. In fact, I actually want a tattoo when I'm older.

It was a regular day in the Jaspar household. I was on Joe and I's shared bed using my phone when I heard Joe gasp.

"What's wrong?" I asked while Joe sat up from the bed.

"In Caspar's video when he got a nose ring, I said if the video got 400,000 thumbs up, I would have to get a tattoo. The video has over 500,000 thumbs up," Joe explained. Words cannot describe how much I hate tattoos. Why would you want to have something on your body forever and ever?

"You can't get a tattoo!" I exclaimed as I held Joe's hand in my hands.

"I can't do anything about it. I told the Internet that I would get a tattoo, and there is no backing out of it, (Y/N)," Joe responded.

"Wait, you rather listen to your fans than listen to your own freaking girlfriend?" I questioned in pain.

"I value your opinion, but the deal is on the Internet forever for everyone to see," Joe answered.

"So? You should listen to what I'm saying! I know you Joe. I know you'll regret getting a tattoo!" I defended myself.

"Why do you have to be so bossy about it?" Joe continued. At this point, we were both standing on opposite sides of the bed.

"I'm not! I'm trying to look out for you because I love you!" I said, throwing a pillow at Joe's face.

"If you love me, why won't you let me do what I want to do?" Joe hollered.

"You idiot! Can't you hear what I'm saying? I'm looking out for you!" I shouted.

"Okay, now I'm an idiot? C'mon, (Y/L/N)! Is that really the best name you could come up with? What are we? Five?" Joe taunted me.

"Dick head! Shit face! Pussy! Ass wipe! Man whore! Skanky bitch! Sugg, I was just getting started!" I said.

"Jesus Christ, (Y/N)! Just let me get a damn tattoo! You never listen to my opinion! It's like all you hear is,'(Y/N)! (Y/N)! Y/N)!'on loop! You're the worst girlfriend I've ever had! And I was even going to get your name tattooed on my forearm!" Joe scremaed as I just grabbed all my things and shoved it into a bag. All my tears were falling.

"(Y/N)," Joe spoke in a low voice, but I just continued to grab the rest of my things.

"Joe, just fuck off. If I'm really the worst girlfriend you've ever had, then I guess we shouldn't be together because you obviously have better women in your mind," I said before walking out the door of the apartment.

As I walked through the freezing cold streets of London, I got many weird glances from strangers passing by, but I didn't care. Joe hurt me so much, and I hurt him. We're not compatible. I really was just trying to look out for him. I don't want him to make stupid mistakes like all the other people our age. Right when I was about to turn the street, Joe pulled up in his car.

"(Y/N), wait up! We need to talk!" Joe said as I started running away. There was no use in trying to fix our relationship. Sadly, Joe was still right beside me. I'm not what you call athletic.

"What Joe? There is nothing to talk about!" I repplied after stopping in my tracks. Joe parked his car on the side of the road and walked up to me.

"(Y/N), I'm sorry. I should've listened to you. You're the most amazing girlfriend I have ever had. I was so stupid to be rude to you like that. You were just trying to look out for me because you want me to be happy and not regretful. Only an amazing girlfriend would look out for me like that. And you are an amazing girlfriend, but I treated you like complete shit. I love you so freaking much, (Y/N). Please forgive me," Joe said as another tear fell.

"Joe, that's so sweet. I forgive you, but I'm sorry, too. I shouldn't have said all those things. You are the most amazing guy I've ever laid eyes on you. There is nothing someone can do or say to make me not love you. If you really want to get that tattoo, then go ahead," I smiled as Joe picked me up and spun me around in a circle. Once Joe put me down, we shared a passionate kiss that lasted for what felt like forever, and I enjoyed every second of it.

Joe and I both ended up getting tattoos. If Joe was going to do it, I should, too. Joe was committing to get my name tattooed on his arm forever and ever, so I did the same. I got Joe's name tattooed on my forearm in cursive. I hated literally every second of it, but I loved Joe so much. Joe also hated getting the tattoo, and I swear a tear fell from his eyes. We both decided to never get tattoos ever again.


Happy New Year everyone! xxx

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