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"is that what you did?"

"is that what i did for what?" said troye, looking away. "you're an idiot. no that's not what i did."

connor hummed, not in the mood to argue. too jet-lagged. "m'tired, but okay."

troye bit his lip, laid his head against the window. connor glanced at troye's brother, quietly driving.

"so," said steele, turning off the radio. "my little brother is shit at introducing, so hi. my name is steele. nice to meet you."

connor smiled at him through the review mirror. "connor, nice to meet you."

troye scoffed. "yes because you weren't on a thirteen hour plane."

"which you slept through the majority of." said connor. steele laughed.

"i like him, where'd you find him?"

"well," said connor, glaring at troye. troye rolled his eyes. "should i tell him?"

troye gave him a bored look. "i used him to win some money. it was funny."

"you used him for money? what the fuck, troye?" said steele, scoffing. "what's wrong with you?"

"well, mom," sighed troye. closing his eyes. "i needed the money, saw an opportunity and took it."

connor looked away, blinking quickly. "any visiting points i should consider?"

steele sighed. "i can take you sight seeing whenever you want. we can even take tyde with us, our younger brother."

"everyone is just compadres, aren't we?" said troye, doing jazz-hands. "yippie."

"ignore my brother, he's obviously lacking sympathy since he left us."

"it's what i plan to do."


"nice to meet you, connor!" smiled the younger one. "i'm tyde!"

connor smiled back. "nice to meet you too, lovely house."

tyde turned around to look up at his phone. "it is, isn't it? i like it very much too. troye helped buying it. who knew the blue eyed loser had a heart."

"you're telling me," said connor, looking around the house.

troye came back with a glass of water and small cup. "here are some pills."

connor took the ibuprofen. "thanks."

tyde grabbed connor's wrist. "c'mon, i'll show you my room."

connor squealed as he was dragged up the stairs, barely getting time to drink down the pills.

"don't break him, tyde." connor heard troye say. he looked back and saw a small smile on his face.

long trip, thought connor.

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