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"wow, you did all that?" laughed troye as connor walked into the kitchen. he looked up at connor. "ill talk to you later. bye."

"i uh," said connor, pointing to his guest room. "i need two new pillows."

"am i your maid?" asked troye, raising his eyebrows. "do i look like im wearing a maids outfit."

"no but i bet your boyfriend would enjoy that," said connor. "your little brother said you knew were the pillows were. i did ask around, you were the last person i wanted to ask."

troye hummed. "they're this way. i thought tyde or steele would've given you a tour."

the two walked down the stairs to a basement. troye turned the light on, and pointed towards a cabinet.

"they're in there, please be sure not to drool or cum on them. goodbye." said troye, waving.

connor grabbed two pillows, and walked back into his guest room. he turned the knob and heard troye talking.

"he's not my boyfriend, don't be fucking ridiculous," said troye. "have you seen him? i would never stood that low."

connor rolled his eyes, trying to ignore the stinging in his chest. he slammed the door close, and ruffled through his bags.

he finally found his tablet and charger. he put it to charge, and wiped away the tear that ran down his face.

"no connor," he whispered to himself. "you can't let his words affect you."

his tablet lit up, and he quickly tapped skype. he dialed dan's screen name and sat back on the bed.

"h-hello?" laughed dan, phil behind him. phil smiled and waved.

"hi con, how's aussie?" asked phil.

connor chuckled. "shitty, i want to go home already. i was stupid to come here, i feel so out of place."

dan looked at phil. "yeah, we should've talked you out of it. we're sorry, con."

"we should tell him," whispered phil to dan.

"tell me what?"

dan bit his lip, looking away from the camera. "the girl, sky or whatever. she stole your money, con."

connor felt his eyes water even more. "wh-what do you mean?"

"she stole all the money in the cash register, connor. we came into the store and noticed it was opened. she was no where to be found." explained phil.

connor ran a hand over his face. "why would she do that?"

"because she's a bitch." said dan.

"language!" scorned phil.

dan scoffed. "my language is the least of our troubles, phillip. con, we filed a police report."


"i'm sorry, connor." said phil.

"not your fault," said connor. he saw the door open, troye poked his head in.

"connor, steele is going out to-oh. sorry." he looked at the tablet then back at connor. "you're crying."

"no shit." said phil.


connor smiled at that. "i'll talk to you guys later, bye."

"bye connor."

"love you!" added phil before they ended the call.

troye shifted. "steele is going to get some food. any requests?"

"not really hungry."

connor looked down at the carpet, and used the end of his flannel to wipe his eyes.

"but thanks," he added.

troye watched him for a while before walking out of the room. connor sighed, closing his eyes.

he had trusted skylar with his café multiple times. it never crossed his mind that she'd steal from him. why would she? how could she?

connor laid back on the unfamiliar bed, and looked around the room. everything was new to him. everything looked so unused.

he was deep in thought when troye came back.

"brought you sushi, hopefully you don't get the runs," said troye, putting the plate on the small bedside table.

"i told you i wasn't hungry," said connor, the smell of the food making his stomach silently growl.

troye put down a fork and chopsticks. ignoring him. "i brought both because i wasn't sure if you were a secret master at chopsticks."

"im not hungry," he repeated.

"i also brought you some wasabi sauce. i personally don't use it because it overpowers the food. but whatever, you know."


"and finally some mango smoothie, shit. i don't know, i told steele not to spend too much. poor guy can't even afford a new pair of shoes."


"oh and a box of tissues," he put the brand new box on the table.

connor looked up at him. "troye,"

"yeah?" said troye, looking down at him.

"thank you."

troye nodded, and looked around. "yeah. just don't cry anymore, you might dehydrate yourself. a-and i'll be blamed for your death or something."

connor smiled softly. "thank you."

troye nodded, and opened the door. he nodded again and left. connor chuckled to himself, and got up from the bed.

wasabi sauce, he thought.

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