Part 25

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A/N: Just a reminder; Severus is still lost in childhood memories.


Severus was awakened early in the morning by Mrs. Evans bustling about the kitchen and humming softly. A freshly shaven Mr. Evans appeared moments later. When he realized that Severus was awake, he escorted him back to the bathroom.

"Get washed up now, lad. You won't get a chance once the girls wake up." Mr. Evans closed the door as he left the room. Severus had no idea what was left to wash. He'd done everything the night before. His clothes had been laundered and were neatly folded and sitting on the edge of the sink. He quickly donned his underclothes. His too-short jeans that had been creeping up his calves had been cut and hemmed to just above his knees. The discarded trouser legs were used to patch holes. The blue blouse that his mother had given him was altered to look more like a boy's shirt. Mrs. Evans must've been awake half the night washing and sewing his clothes. A knock on the door brought him back to reality. He threw the shirt over his head and exited the bathroom. The unwelcome countenance of Petunia met him on the other side of the door. She shoved past him and slammed the door.

Severus proceeded to the kitchen hoping to see Lily, and hoping to get some breakfast. He was invited to sit by Mrs. Evans who, once again, felt his head. Severus disliked the contact, but tolerated it for the sake of a full breakfast. A bleary-eyed but fully dressed Lily entered the kitchen and Severus' scowl softened into a friendly smile. She sat next to him, leaving the odd chair for Petunia. Breakfast consisted of sausage, bacon, scrambled eggs, buttered toast, and sliced fresh tomatoes. Severus cleaned his plate.

Picking apples was the day's objective, and they would be walking to their destination because Mr. Evans didn't own a car. Severus was presented with an old pair of white tennis shoes that had belonged to Mr. Evans. They were too large, but not as cumbersome as they could've been. Mr. Evans was a slightly built man with small feet. If Severus could catch his mother in a good mood, he might be able to convince her to charm the shoes for him. He'd do it himself if he could. He knew he spell, but he didn't have a wand. Mrs. Evans stuffed socks into the shoes to make them fit better, and gave Severus a pair to wear. He hadn't worn socks in years; not since his old pair fell apart. That was back when his shoes fit his feet.

Mrs. Evans packed a large paper sack with sandwiches and handed it to Lily. She kissed each child on the cheek before letting them outside. They waited for Mr. Evans to emerge from the garden shed. He appeared with a barrow laden with empty buckets just as an elderly neighbor emerged from his home with fishing rods in one arm and a tackle box in the other. The small frail man was escorted by his more robust wife. They exchanged pleasantries with Mr. Evans before the old man seated himself in the barrow. The children were left to carry the buckets. The old man, whose name was Sutherby, had a sickly hacking cough. Petunia walked barefoot the entire way. It was her punishment for ruining Severus' shoes. She walked alongside the road in the soft grass to protect her tender feet. She carried her shoes in one of the buckets. Lily chattered away to all and kept stealing admiring glances at Severus' hair that was shining a handsome blue-black in the morning sun.

They eventually arrived at a sprawling country estate. Both Sutherby and Mr. Evans worked there as handymen. The manor house was very old and very large and had seen much better days. The current owner, an elderly man himself, was a cheerful charitable soul who encouraged his employees to bring their families to work with them as he very much enjoyed watching children play in the gardens. The estate was still a working farm with stocked fish ponds and tended orchards. There was enough income to keep the estate running, but not enough to keep up repairs on the enormous crumbling manor. Many years later, after the death of the current owner's son, Severus would mourn the loss of the estate and curse the developers who cut down the orchards and filled in the ponds to build modern flats and a shopping mall.

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