Part 75

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Lin and Severus were ushered into the kitchen by Mario's father, Angelo Sr. There were several people cooking, but they weren't dressed like employees. Everyone turned from their work to greet Lin with great warmth and affection, and then immediately scolded her for not visiting more often. Severus was introduced and was hugged and patted and generally made uncomfortable despite the opposite intention. The other people in the kitchen were Mario's mother, Francesa; two cousins, both named Marie; Mario's elder brother Angelo Jr., and an ancient woman who turned out to be Mario's grandmother, Sofia.

Everyone was talking at once in a mixture of English and Italian. Lin was following the conversation; Severus was struggling. Thank Merlin that the upper-class snobs leading the fight for the Dark Lord didn't behave this way or Severus might've lost his position as a spy. The little group dispersed to tend to the food preparation while Angelo Sr. escorted Lin and Severus into the dining area. Desserts, finger-foods, and wine graced the tables. There were about twenty or so people present, and Mario was quite the host; he seemed much like a male version of Lin. More greetings occurred, and Severus moved away from the chattering crowd as quickly as he could. He seated himself at a distant table to relax and catch his breath until Lin waved him closer. He sat next to Lin, who sat across from Mario and his sister, Angela. Severus was immediately informed that Angela was Angelo Jr.'s twin sister, as if he cared, but Lin used the friendly chatter to begin catching up with her friends.

Music began to play and an impromptu sing-along began. A young man asked Lin to dance, but Severus didn't get the chance to protest as Sofia appeared next to him with a dinner plate laden with hot food. He tried to explain to Sofia that he wasn't hungry, but she would hear none of it. She pinched his cheeks repeatedly while speaking to him, and Mario translated telling Severus that Mama Sofia thought he was too thin and pale. He needed to eat more. Sofia placed a glass of hearty red wine in front of him and told him to drink it to "build his blood."

Severus was still making his way through the seemingly endless pile of food when Lin pulled him away from the table to dance with her. He'd never been so grateful for a dance request. Mama Sofia issued a warning to Lin not to tax her sickly husband.

"Husband?" whispered Severus.

"Let her think it," answered Lin quietly.

"But a lie?" goaded Severus.

"Trust me, it's much easier this way." Severus smiled and even laughed a little. Lin's eyes widened for a second in mock shock and she declared; "Severus, I do believe you are tipsy."

"Mama Sofia has been pouring wine down my throat since I walked in the door."

It was not common knowledge that Severus could, in fact, dance and not just to the stodgy snooty music played at the Malfoy's soirees. Lily loved to dance, and it was she who taught him. Severus had an excellent sense of timing that helped him with his potions-making and, with Lily's encouragement, he found that it could be applied to dancing as well. Lily would bring her little radio to the park during summer vacation, and the two of them would spend hours dancing to whatever music the tinny-sounding little speakers produced. He was certainly not the caliber of dancer that Lin was, but he held his own, and she was gracious enough to follow his lead.

Moving in time with the music with Lin's body pressed against his was pleasant beyond description. Her hair and neck smelled of the rose perfume he'd made for her; it wasn't the same formulation he'd made for Lily, but it was similar enough to evoke memories. Lily wasn't particularly fond of opera, but a small cheery get-together was exactly the sort of thing she would've loved. He vividly remembered the feel of her body as they danced to a slow romantic tune much like the one he was currently hearing. He remembered the scent of her hair. Not very long ago Severus' mind would've been completely overwhelmed by memories of Lily. But at this moment, he was clearly remembering his best and, in truth, only friend; while being keenly aware of Lin's presence. It was almost like having two women in his arms simultaneously. He didn't know how to react to what he was feeling, but it was so pleasant that he just wanted to continue on.

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