Chapter 68

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A/n Another update

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I woke up in hospital with everyone asleep or half asleep.

"where's Charlie.'' I asked.

"he is still getting checked by doctors.'' Leo said.

"wait how's my baby.'' I asked. Just then the doctor came.

"ah miss DEVRIES good to see you're awake.'' he said. I smiled

"We ran some tests and-'' he began said

"what did they say.'' Leo said.

"Hold on I'm getting there. We ran some tests and-'' the doctor began sayin again. Leo cut him off again

"You already said that.'' the doctor glared at him while we all laughed.

"Your baby is perfectly healthy but im worried about your health. We found some traces of vodka in the blood stream when we did a blood test.'' He continued.

"I swear all I had was coke.'' I said

"someone might have mixed it in.'' the doctor said.

"Molly.'' I muttered.

"So I strongly suggest you stay away from alcohol.'' he said I nodded.

"'Can I go see Charlie.'' I asked

"sure.'' the doctor said as he left the room?

"RightO people lets go see Charlie .'' I said.

"Na how about we all go sleep its been a long day.''' Harvey said.

"you guys can I'm going to see my boyfriend.'' I said.

"no jade you've had a long night. Just rest babe, its good for the baby.'' Joey said.

"why are you guys STOPPING me from seeing Charlie.'' I asked.

"err we'll.'' Leo dragged. I rolled my eyes and ran to find Charlie's room with the others hot on my trail.

"don't open the door.'' Leo said. I walked in and saw Karen with brook sleeping on her lap and some strange girl.

"who are you'' I asked.

"Oh I'm Rosie Charlie's Girlfriend.'' she replied.

"wait what.'' I said.

"I'm Char-'' She repeated but I cut her off.

"I heard what you said. I'm Charlie's Girlfriend.'' I hissed.

"No I am.'' she said.

"No I am .'' I spat.

"no I am.'' she hissed.

"No - Oh Fuck this Karen when Charlie wakes up, tell him me and him are finished and that he can keel Rosie.'' I hissed.

A beeping sound went off. doctors rushed in while we stood out the room. A doctor came out the room.

"Charlie has fallen into a coma.'' the doctor said in sympathy. Everyone began crying. Me and the others went home.

" you all knew didn't you.'' I said. Everyone looked guilty.

"to be honest I only found out today.'' Leo said. everyone looked at him and glared.

"wow.'' I said.

"Look jade its not what you think.'' Harvey said.

"What do I think. All I know is that Charlie has another fuckin girlfriend. And me own family knew about it '' I hissed.

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