Chapter 5 Whats Going On?

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AN: Sorry it took a while to update. I'm writing like 20 books right now, so it's kind of hard to update all the time. Hope you enjoy chapter 5. Comment and share your thoughts. Enjoy!!

You ran to your school crush for years and hugged him. He seemed to jump a bit, but then hugged you back.

Evan broke the silence after a while. "I thought I'd lost you."

"I lost everything that day." Was your only reply, as a few tears fell from your eyes. You pulled away from him. "Come on. We'll talk all of this over at the house."


You were tossing and turning in your bed because you couldn't fall asleep. "Out of all night, why tonight?" You groaned frustrated.

"In some trouble darling?"

"Go away Mettaton. I don't really want you here right now." You lied. You had grown to care for him the past couple of days. But you didn't need him knowing that.

Who wouldn't have feelings for him. It's the hair. It's totally the hair.

"I don't think you actually want me to leave. Of course, nobody does."

You rolled your eyes and got up from your bed, and walked over to him. You found your self falling. Literally. You tripped over practically nothing and closed your eyes tightly. You prepared for impact, but the only thing you felt was something around your waist.

"You should be more careful darling."

You opened your eyes and looked up. Mettaton was looking down at you smirking.

Well that's new.

"Thanks." You said straightening yourself up. You blushed as you realized that Mettaton still had his hand around your waist. "Um... Mettaton, could you um..." You gestured, looking down at his hand.

He got your hint, but didn't let go. "Why would I let go of the most beautiful girl I've ever seen."

You blushed like crazy and shielded your face with your hair.

Mettaton pulled your hair aside just as quickly as you put it there. "Don't shield yourself, your absolutely adorable when you blush."

You only felt yourself blushing more at his comment and how close your faces were. They were just inches apart.

If I could lean forward just a little bit.

No, stop it! You've only know him for a couple days.

You scolded yourself. How could you fall for him if your life long school crush was just right across the hall?

"C-can I please go back to bed? I'm tired." You tried getting yourself out of the awkward situation.

Mettaton sighed. "Alright darling." He let go of you and walked out of the room.

You felt regret in the pit of your stomach, but tried to ignore it as you got in bed again, this time, more determined than ever. You were so close to sleeping when you heard someone yell.


You immediately jumped out of bed and ran into the hall. You went to the open door next to Sans's room. The room Evan was put in. You saw Mettaton standing still.

You stood by the doorway in complete horror. You clasped your hands over your mouth in shock, unable to move. Sans brushed past you, bringing you back to reality, and you ran over beside Evan. He was on the floor, shaking and his breathing was sharp and uneven.

"Oh my god. Oh my god." You panicked as Mettaton knelt beside you.

Sans saw how worried you were, but went back to Evan.

You felt Mettaton wrap an arm around you. "It'll be alright darling." He whispered into your ear. "It'll be alright."

Your vision became very blurry as tears filled down your face.

Evan stopped moving, you could hear his breathing. You put your hand hesitantly on his chest, and you felt a pulse. His eyes were closed. He was still alive.

What happened to him?

Glamorous Love (Mettaton x Reader)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon