Chapter 18 Posession part 2

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"Well well well. Look what the snow storm brought in."

You turned around and immediately got angry at who spoke to you. "What do you want Jessica?"

"The real question is what are you doing out here? You could catch a cold, or get frost bite and wouldn't that just be awful." Jessica said as she touched your forehead.

You honestly didn't know what you were doing out here in the first place. You were overthinking what was wrong with Evan and decided to go for a walk, but you didn't expect a storm to pass over.

You swatted her hand away. "I don't people like you telling me what's good and what's not. Just leave me alone."

"But wouldn't Mettaton just be devastated if something were to happen to you out here?"

"Just leave me alone. I'm not gonna start a fight with you unless I have to. And trust me. I'll win." You said very determined.

"Oh? Well then if it's a fight you want, it's a fight you'll get."

Jessica got into fighting stance. You did the same. "Let's fight."

"Let's." She said, coming straight at you.

Meanwhile, Evan was sitting on the roof of the house, feeling unwanted and was thinking to himself. The presence he felt made him turn around. He looked up and quickly got to his feet. "Ah! Who are you?" He yelled.

"Oh me?" The girl said. "I'm Chara. And this is (Y/N)"

Evan looked at the girl next to Chara. "Th-that's not (Y/N)!" He said a bit frightened.

"She's not the one you know. We're from a different timeline, and this is what'll happen to your precious (Y/N) if you don't agree." Chara responded.

(Y/N) smiled as Chara said this.

"Agree to what?" Evan nervously asked.

"Agree to help me. To help me help the real

"What if I don't agree?"

"Then your (Y/N) will end up just like this one. Killing everyone she thinks is a threat, even her own friends. Even you."

Evan gasped.

"It's time to make a choice. Either help us help her, or leave her to become a monster." The fake (Y/N) was staring at him. He locked eyes with her and could see the hatred and lack of life in her eyes. Being desperate to do anything to help the real (Y/N). "I'll help."


"Get off me you awful slut!" You yelled at Jessica, who had the heel of her shoe on your back, leaving you unable to move.

She put more pressure on her foot, making the heel press hard onto your back. "What was that?" Jessica said snobily.

"Even if you do manage to kill me eventually, he'll never take you back. He knows what you have done. He'll never-" You were cut off by the heel being pressed more into your flesh, but you continued. "He'll never take back a heartless slut like you. AH!"

You screamed as the heel pierced through your flesh.


AN: Thank you all for such nice comments. I really appreciate them. I might have part 3 out by tonight. We'll see how it goes. Peace out!

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