Chapter 22 Rescue(sort of)

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You crossed your arms and stared at Flowey as you stood up. "What kind of deal?"

Alright. "Just hear me out. You'll stop being a jerk to me, if I help you bring Mettaton back. And in return, I'll stop being so mean to you as well. Deal?" He stretched out his hand.

"Huh. I thought you were gonna make a deal like Bill Cipher would." You said to yourself. (IM SORRY!! I HAD TO! IT WAS GONNA KILL ME IF I DIDNT!😂)

"Who's that?" He asked.

"Never mind. Deal." You said as you shook his hand. "Now. Let's get this over with." You headed to a closet in the hallway, and grabbed something from inside. "I've been waiting forever to use this." Heading towards the door, sword now in hand and a few other helpful items, you and Flowey made your way to your destination.


"(Y/N)." Flowey spoke your name. "Just call me Asriel now. K?"

"Ok." You said as you both walked to a large house. You knew Jessica lived here because you pass it on your way to Grillby's. You saw her in the window once and that's how you knew.

"So this is the place?"

"Yeah. It is." You said glumly. "We've gotta go through the roof." You stated walking around towards the side of the house.

"2 questions. 1) Why the roof? And 2) What is all the stuff on that belt you have?"

"1) It's the roof because she's got to have put Mettaton on a lower level, therefore, to not make ourselves know as much, we have to go through the roof. 2) You'll find out." You said as you grabbed one of the tools around your belt and aimed at the roof.

"Is that a grappling hook?"

"Yes." You answered as you shot it and it latched around a pipe that was on the roof. Convenient.

"Let's go." Asriel said as he took the grappling hook from you.

"Hey. What are you-" You were stopped as Asriel picked you up by your waist with one hand and the grapple took you both up 3 stories.

"What was that for?" You asked as he set you down once both of you were on the roof.

"I'm pretty sure you weren't gonna carry me up there." He said gesturing to himself.

"Oh. Right." You heard a crack, and then all your weight go down. "Asriel!" You yelled as the edge of the roof you stood on broke, and you fell.

"(Y/N)!" Asriel yelled as he grabbed your hand, preventing you from falling. "If I didn't make that deal with you, I would've just let you fall." He laughed.

"Oh well that's so reassuring!" You said yelling a bit. "Just pull me up already."

"Alright alright, jeez princess." He said pulling you up.

"Don't call me that or your dead." You said coldly as you were now standing on your feet.

"Fine." He said. "How are we even gonna get in? How are we gonna get through?"

"I can handle this." You said pulling another tool from your belt. You turned it on and pointed it down. Pressing a button, a laser shot out and you drew a circle with it. Once you finished, you pressed a second button and a a hooked spear shot out, grabbing onto the part that was just about to fall, and you lay that aside. You put the tool back onto your belt.

"Where do you even get this stuff?" Asriel asked looking impressed and confused at the same time.

"Oh. Sans said that he took most of this stuff from Alphys. I've never used it till now, but he's taught me how to use it by showing me." You returned your focus back to the hole in the roof, and staring down into your new enemies house.

"Alright (Y/N). Let's go down."

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