Chapter 30: The Prophecy

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  You stood up in frustration. "If you really ever cared for me than tell me right now!"

"I'm sorry. I can't." San's said stepping forward, reaching out his hand to you.

You backed away a few steps. "Don't touch me!" You yelled.

Both of you immediately turned to Mettaton's direction as you heard his metallic voice. "A day will come when she arrives, lived her life to never hurt a fly. She will eventually destroy us all, once she hears the beckoning call."

You were confused, but then Chara's words played through your head. 'You've already begun your transformation'.

"Why?" You asked yourself out loud. "I'm her aren't I? The destroyer of everyone?"

"Kid, listen-"

"No!" You screamed at San's. "Don't call me that! I'm no longer part of your game!" You ran up the stairs, tears down your face, and into the hall. You slammed the door behind you and darted up stairs.

You opened the door to your room forcefully and slammed it shut, not taking notice of Asriel still sitting the same chair as you flopped onto your bed. Your back was facing him as you let the tears flow down your face.

Asriel said nothing, but you could feel his eyes piercing you, making you cry more.

What felt like an hour later, you finally recollected yourself and stood up, walking to the corner of the room and leaning against the wall. "You were right Asriel." You choked out.

"Hm?" Asriel questioned, not really paying attention to anything until you spoke.

"I never should have had to see what I saw." The tears were already brimming your eyes again.

Asriel stood up and walked over to you. "I hate to say it, but I told you so."

The tears were already starting to fall down your face again.

Your eyes suddenly widened at what happened next, but you let it be, since you needed every bit of comfort you could get.

"He'll be okay (Y/N). I can promise that." Asriel said as he continued to hug you.

"No one is safe around here. Around me."

Ariel let you go. "Why do you think that? I'm the one who does the killing around here."

"That's just it. You will all die. By my hands. Even you Asriel." You looked at him worried, but he looked at you like he couldn't care less that you just said that everyone would die.

"By your hands? Your the nicest person I know."

"When I was down stairs in the basement, Mettaton said something. He said 'A day will come when she arrives, lived her life to never hurt a fly. She will eventually destroy us all, once she hears the beckoning call.' I am the one he mentions in the prophecy."

"Im on your side now, but if you somehow become a killer and try to destroy everyone, I will kill you myself."

"I know. And I actually thank you for that."

He looked shocked. "Why?"

"Because you would be ending my misery, along with everyone else's."

Asriel laughed. "Your too good for this world."

"Not if we can't find a way to stop this."

"Alright. Tell me what to do and I'll help you, but don't get too carried away with having me here."

"Yeah. Here's where we should start..."

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