Chapter 11 A Timeline? Part 1

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"(Y/N). Wake up."

The voice startled you and you shot straight up in bed. You looked over and saw Sans.

"Come on kiddo, it's time to get up."

You lay back down on the bed. "Why?"

"Get up before I even ask why your in here."

You quickly sat up and swing your legs over the bed because you did now want to have to explain to Sans why you were sleeping in Mettaton's room.

Sans went downstairs while you went to your room and threw on (favorite outfit) and then went downstairs.

You saw Sans sitting on the couch talking to Mettaton who was sitting in the chair next to the couch.

Mettaton smiled at you. "You slept a while."

"How long was I out?" You asked standing there.

"3 hours." Sans said. "By the way..." He said getting up. "I need to go out looking for Papyrus. I haven't seen him in a couple days.

You thought of when you last saw Papyrus yourself, and it was true. You haven't seen him in a while either.

"I must go myself my darling." Mettaton said getting up. "I have my show to do."

"Oh. Okay. So I'll be here alone I guess?" You said sadly.

"I'm sorry my dear, but I must go. I will be back shortly my dear." He walked up to you and kissed your forehead. "I love you (Y/N)."

You smiled. "I love you too Mettaton."

He walked out the door with Sans who was laughing so hard that you started laughing yourself. You calmed down and lie down on the couch.

You were watching TV when you heard a crash. You groaned and got up, but when you turned to start walking towards the noise, someone stood in front of you.

"Hello (Y/N)." She said smiling like a lunatic.  "My name is Chara." She looked an awful lot like Frisk. The only thing different was the color of the sweater and her pants. Her cheeks were blushed. She held a knife in hand. "This is-" she started to say but when she looked next to her, she rolled her eyes. "(Y/N)!" She yelled. "Get out of the kitchen!"

"Sorry!" You heard another girl yell. She came around the corner and stood next to Chara. "I'm really hungry." She said smiling widely.

"Wh-who are you?" You eyed her up and down and she was wearing the same clothes you were. She had the same color hair and eyes.

"I'm you from another time line silly." She said like she expected you to know that.

"Your me?"

"Well duh. Don't you see the resemblance?"

You turned your focus back to Chara. "And your..."

"I'm your sister from the same time line she's from."

"Oh my god." You mumbled to yourself.

What would Sans or Mettaton do?

They would fight back. They wouldn't allow this if it were them.

You mustered up your courage. "Get out of here."

"That's funny because the answers no." Chara said. "We're not leaving. In fact. Why don't you leave forever." She said smiling raising the knife and swinging it.

You screamed and dodged it, but almost got hit. You ran for the front door and ran outside. You didn't know what was under all the snow, and you tripped over something. You tumbled into the snow and groaned as you tried to get up, but your ankle hurt too much to move.

"Your time is up (Y/N)"

AN: I'm super mean for doing this. There will be a part 2. I promise it will be soon. Thank you guys.

Glamorous Love (Mettaton x Reader)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum