Chapter 34: Death Of A Master

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You all stared at the figure that was getting closer to you. You could tell by the voice that he was male.

"Who are you?" Asriel shouted at him.

He didn't answer until he was right in front of you all. "My name is Isaac. If you want to live you better follow me."

"Why should we follow you?" Hunter chimed in.

"I've been down here since I was 7 years old. So I know just about everything there is to know down here."

(I had to. I have the song in my head so bad right now.)

"I thought that Frisk and I were the only ones down here." You said.

"What did you say your name was?" Isaac asked you.

"Oh. My name is (Y/N). I've been down here for a while now. I wouldn't say more than a year."

"I see. Did you lose your memories of your childhood too?"

"Yeah. But how'd you know?"

"There's a lost look in your eyes. I've had the same look since I came down here."

"I'm so sorry. But maybe if we work together to defeat Chara, then we can get our memories back."

"Wait." Isaac seemed to tense up. "Did you say Chara?"

"Yeah. Why?" You asked.

"I was on my way to stop her myself. She's done nothing but cause me pain and heart break."

"Well then we're on the same page. She hired someone to take away the one I love. And I'm gonna destroy her. I will not rest until she is dead and in the ground."

"Woah woah. Calm down (Y/N). What's with the violence all of a sudden?" Asriel said grabbing your shoulder.

"I'm fine. Nothing's wrong. Let's just go. We will finish the introductions on the way. Everyone! Move out!"


You and Isaac walked ahead of everyone making conversation every few minutes or so.

"(Y/N)." He said in a questioning tone.

"Yeah?" You answered.

"Who did she take from you?"

You assumed that he was talking about Chara and you answers him. "He took Mettaton from me. She made him into a monster. But she didn't do it herself. She got someone to do it for her. That coward." You said successfully holding back your tears. "I'll kill her myself. I'll soak the ground with her blood."

As you said that, you felt a wave of darkness flood over you. But you regained your mind when Isaac began to speak.

"(Y/N). She may not have killed who you love. But she murdered my master in cold blood. I will never forgive her for that." Isaac said gritting his teeth at the end.

"Who was your master?"

He narrowed his eyes as he spoke. "Her name was Undyne."

"Wait. Papyrus speaks about Undyne all the time."

"You know Papyrus?"

"Yeah I do. I live with him and his brother. But he's never mentioned you."

"It makes sense. I usually leave when he arrives so I don't get in the way of anything. Undyne told me to stay away from him. She said that any connection with him could lead to me meeting others that could harm me."

You wanted to speak again. But Isaac began to speak again as soon as you opened your mouth.

"She took care of me. She trained me very hard. I am ready to avenge my master who fell to the hands of the enemy."

AN: Sorry that this chapter is mostly dialogue, but I just rolled with it to get a chapter out.

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