Chapter 20 Enemies and Viles

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"You see... He's... Uh, how do I put this?"

"I have an idea. How about you just say it!" You said raising your voice a t Sans.

"Ugh... Jessica's got him."

"WHAT?! How could you let that happen?!" You yelled as you sat up quickly, not even bothering with the sharp jolt of pain in your back. You let the blanket fall from your body as you got on your feet and went to your closet.

"It wasn't my fault kiddo. I'm sorry it happened, but I wasn't there with Mettaton when he was taken. We only know he's been kidnapped because Alphys got a message from Mettaton through her computer."

You closed your closet door as you changed into long jeans and a long sleeved shirt. You may not look your best, but you needed to get back Mettaton.

"What do ya think your doing?" Sans asked you as you went to leave your room.

"Going to get Mettaton."

"Oh I don't thi-"

He was cut off by the front door opening. You both shot each other glances and ran down stairs.

You both stood in the living room surprised to see who it was. "A-Alphys?" You asked. (Guess you weren't expecting that)

"I-I just came to sh-show you guys something." She said stuttering. Pulling out a vile in her pocket and holding it up for us to see, she continued."This may change everything." She said. There was a groan coming from a bag she had with her on the floor. "Oh sorry. This is what I wanted to show you it on."

She pulled what was in the bag out. Sans and I both gasped in horror, surprise, and another emotion I couldn't put my finger on. Oh yeah. It was fear.

"What the..." You stopped yourself as no more words would come out.

Sans said nothing as you both stared at what Alphys had brought into your guys' house.

"Alphys. I hope you know that this 'thing' tried to kill me when I got here." You said face palming and then staring evilly at the monster you hated the most.

The monster spoke, staring directly at you. "Ah yes. I remember you. You were that one girl you threatened me the minute you saw me. I should have made a move sooner so I could have killed you sooner." He said smiling.

"Shut up Flowey! No one asked for your opinion!" You yelled.

"G-Guys. P-please stop. Let m-me show you what I have." Alphys said. "(Y/N), I need you to h-hold Flowey, and d-don't let him go."

"Why do I have to hold him?!" You asked as Alphys held out Flowey for you to take.

"B-because I known S-Sans won't." She said looking at you with a soft expression.

You sighed and gave in. "Fine, but I'm not gonna like it." You said grabbing Flowey from Alphys and holding him.

You looked at Sans and smiled, laughing to yourself a little.

He noticed this and knew exactly what your thinking."If you throw that flower at me I'm gonna literally kill you." He said.

"Oh I won't." You said. "But if this fails, then I'm gonna throw him at you."

"Alphys, this better work." Sans said.

"Don't w-worry. I have h-high hopes for this w-working."

"Hey don't I have a say in this!" Flowey yelled as Alphys approached him with the Vile open and ready to poor on him.

"Your whole life's gonna change."

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