Q&A: Answered

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Q: Will u make a Female Chara x Reader?
A: I will not make a Chara x Reader. But the good news is that I will be writing a second book.

Q: Do you have a projected endpoint like an estimation of how many chapters are left?
A: I would say maybe 5 or even less, but again, I will be writing a second book.

Q: Tell is why he said Dahling
A: It was actually a joke between my friend and I. He told me that it was spelled like that and I was like no, but I kept it cause it was just a small joke. I got rid of it because it was driving me crazy.

Q: When u gonna stop?
A: Hopefully I will be able to continue this book for a long time. I've grown up with this book, it's been almost 3 years now. I want to live with this book forever.

Q: Do you like Overwatch? Favorite Hero?
A: I do like Overwatch. But when it comes to the favorite hero, it's so hard to decide. I like Genji but I also like Mcree. So it's a mix.

Q: Why did u make this book?
A: This book was originally written because of a stupid 2 AM phone call. It was originally kind of like a dare. But as soon as I saw the number of reads going up, I decided to continue.

Glamorous Love (Mettaton x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now