Chapter 31: Wolfskin

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AN: I am starting a new session thingy. Kiss, marry, kill. You can give me three character names from almost any anime, or game and I will answer weather I want to kill them, kiss them, or marry them. Try to message it instead of commenting please. Enjoy the chapter!

"So basically what your saying is that we walk all on our own, in the woods, and kill Chara ourselves." Asriel said as you finished saying what you thought you should do.

"Basically yes. But we'll hopefully meet other monsters along the way." You said as you grabbed a satchel bag. You threw your diary into it when Asriel was looking away.

"Alright. Let's just go, I'm becoming impatient with you."

"I just finished, stop nagging me."

" I will nag you all I want to."

"If we're gonna work together to kill a very powerful being, then I suggest you stop."



"Let's take a break here." You said as you set your bag down against a tree. "We've been walking for a while now."

"Yeah. I agree."

There was a few minutes of silence until you finally said something about a noise you've been hearing since you stopped. "Do you hear like a low sounding noise?"

"Yeah. I do. It kinda sounds like a growl."

"Your right." You said to him confused and a bit frightened.

A new voice suddenly spoke.  "You've got some good hearing if you were able to hear me."

"Who are you?" You asked him, seeing that he was a wolf creature. Mostly human though. He was basically a Wolfskin. (From Fire Emblem. Look it up if you don't know.)

"I'm Hunter. I'm a Wolfskin, and proud of it too since we're very rare. Anyways, I don't like people so I'm going to have to ask you to leave."

He said, his ears perked up in a bad way.

"I'm sorry. We really have to pass through this area. We can't go back."

"I'm gonna have to fight you off myself then. You have one more chance to make up your mi-"

"Will you join us?"


"Will you join us?"

"Why would I join you?"

"Someone is threatening this world. Her name is Chara. If we can't defeat her then everyone in the Underground will be dead."

"So what your saying is that your going to try to end a war before it begins."

"Yes. We could really need your help. Right now it's just the two of us."

Hunter pondered for a minute before answering. "Yeah. I'll join you. Under one condition."

"And what is that?" You asked.

"I'm going to have to confiscate all your weapons until I can trust you. It's only a pre caution because everyone who comes through this area is wanting to start a war with my tribe."

"I understand." You pulled a knife out of your bag and handed it to him.

You stared at Asriel, waiting for him to move, but he just stood there with his arms crossed. "I'm not giving him my weapon." He finally said.

"Then I will." You said, reaching into Asriel's pocket and pulling his knife out, then giving it to Hunter.

"Wait!" A new voice screeched from the sky.

AN: The-Haunted-Jirachi inspired me to create Hunter the Wolfskin.

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