Q&A: Questions Answered

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Q: What do you like most about writing these stories?
A: I really like just putting together all of the characters and it makes me feel as if I'm within the story every step of the way. I also love being able to interact with all of the readers.

Q: Who's the hardest character to write?
A: Honestly, I'm not too sure, but if I had to pick, it would be Asriel. It's because I've been trying to incorporate a more soft side to him but also keep his evil side. Also, Sans is actually surprisingly hard and I don't know why.

Q: What's the hardest part of writing this story?
A: I would say that the hardest part of writing this story is just thinking of what to do next. There are so many ideas that I can use and it's hard to pick just one.

Q: What's your favorite POV to write in?
A: I think it's actually the readers POV because if I were to write in someone else's POV it would only be for a short while with no action really in it. In the readers POV there is so much more action to write.

Q: Who's got legs hotter than Mettaton's?

Q: Do you take requests?
A: I guess I could take ideas from people for small parts, but if it's like anything involving a lemon then I am out. I refuse to write such a thing.

Q: Why did you make a mtt X reader?
A: I kinda wanted to read one myself, so I looked it up and found that there was only one. So I took it upon myself to write one. I did not expect that I would make it this far though.

Q: Do you have a Wattpad senpai? If so, who is it?
A: I wish I had a Wattpad senpai. I don't have one on Wattpad, and I don't even have one in real life. So yeah. It's kinda sad.

Glamorous Love (Mettaton x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now