Chapter 23 All Tied Up

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AN: Tell me if I made a grammar or spelling error. My goal is to not have one in this chapter.

You watched as Asriel jumped down through the hole in the roof. It was like he's done this countless times.

He stared up at you. "You coming or not?" He said plainly.

"I. Uh..." You said fumbling through your words.

"Just jump. I'll catch you if you want."

"Well." You pondered for a moment. "Fine. But if you let me drop, your dead. You hear me?" You said sitting down and swinging your legs over the edge of the hole.

"I hear you very clearly." He said holding out his arms.

You closed your eyes as you fell towards the ground. You landed in Asriel's arms, but then quickly jumped out of them, in an attempt to avoid anything 'weird'. I mean, he was a little older than you, so it only made sense for him to do something weird. "Your welcome." He said as you just started walking off.

"Yeah yeah. Thanks. Whatever." You said finding the nearest stairs case and heading down it. Asriel quickly followed behind.

"It's strange that this Jessica girl wouldn't have anyone with her to help her keep us away."

You thought about this and it was a little strange. "That really is strange." You said.

"I think you two spoke too soon." An unfamiliar voice spoke.

You look over to see Asriel get tackled by the person who spoke. Instinctively, you pulled out your sword from your ever so handy belt. "Get off him!" You yelled at this mysterious man, who wore all black.

He did nothing. The only movement was Asriel's as he struggled underneath him.

You made a move towards him, but the man pulled out a gun very quickly and pointed at you. "Don't get closer or I'll shoot you." He said this very coldly, making you believe that if you were to move, he actually would shoot.

He punched Asriel so hard in the face that it knocked him out with just the one punch (man).

You made no movements, but you did talk. "What do you think your doing?"

A new voice answered you. "Our job." The voice said.

You dropped your sword as a person, who you quickly identified as a male, came up behind you and held your arms behind your back and tied them with a very thick rope.

"Hey! Stop it!" You yelled as the first guy came up and put a cloth on your mouth and tying it around your head. You could still see, just not talk.

The first man went over and dealt with Asriel as the man who tied your arms, picked you up and slung you over his shoulder like a bag, and carried you.

You felt him going down a staircase, and there were no longer windows and the walls were all cement instead of wood. The only light in the room was a small lightbulb. You were in the basement.

You let out a muffled yelp as he sat you down hard on the cold floor. He ran back upstairs and as soon as he was out of sight you started moving around your hands that were bound in the rope uncomfortably behind your back, trying to find a weak spot in the rope, but you had no luck.

You stopped when you heard them coming down. You watched as both of the men set Asriel down hard on the floor against the wall next to you. You thought to yourself.

This is gonna be fun.

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