Chapter 36: The Silent Walk

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"There you two are. What happened out there, we heard some yelling." Asriel said.

"Chara was in my head again Asriel." You stated plainly.

"You need to keep a closer eye on (Y/N) Asriel." Isaac started. "Chara was able to get to her head and make her alternate self come out."

"Chara can do that?" Hunter asked, clearly not even bothering to understand what was going on, but just asking questions to make himself feel more useful.

"Yeah. She is basically a demon." You answered. "She said something about being reunited between me and Isaac which doesn't even make a lick of sense because i've never met this guy before." You said pointing at Isaac.

"Well we're not gonna let her have her way. Let's go and kick some demon ass!" Zach yelled.

"Yeah! Let's do it!" Hunter added on.

"Whatever. Let's just get this over with." Asriel groaned as he got up.

You now felt really confident. "Alright guys, listen up! I want to be for sure that we can defeat Chara. I want to be sure that I can defeat Chara. But I'm gonna need your help, because I know that she will take me over."

"You can't let her!" Isaac yelled. "I know what you're thinking, and If you so willingly let her take you over, then you will never be able to come back!"

"I know that Isaac. But, letting her take me over will be a big chance for you guys to finish her off. I am willing to sacrifice myself for the rest of this world."

"We'll find a way to bring you back (Y/N). You don't have to-" Asriel started.

"No. I can't come back once this is all done." You looked down at the ground and then at Asriel. "Once you all have defeated Chara, I want you to be the one to kill me Asriel."


"I am not destined to come back from this Asriel. I am in charge and these are your orders. I am here to save the world, and Mettaton. Not myself."

"Fine. Let's just get going ok?"


The walk to the bottom of the mountain was rather peaceful because of how quiet it was. But, a part of you wanted the silence to stop. You wished someone would speak but no one did. Not one word. 

Hunter stayed in the back of the group and walked cautiously but also un-caringly. Zach flew above. Not once had he looked down at us. Isaac seemed determined and focused on the mountain. But every once in a while, he would look over at me and then look right back at the mountain.

Asriel was his own separate story. He looked straight ahead thee whole time. His eyes fixated on our destination. His stare was one someone would have after not sleeping for 5 days straight. He was completely expressionless and walked with a nervous but confident stride.

Unlike the others, your eyes were everywhere at once, and you walked quickly at times, but slowly at other times. The entire time, you had the urge to scream. But you couldn't. 

You had to save it for when the real reason to scream comes. At the mountain.

AN: Comment and tell me if you gave up on this book or not and what you thought of this much needed and late-due chapter. I must know.

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