Chapter 27: Alive...But How?

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Your world was black. For now. You couldn't see, nor hear anything. You couldn't move, you had no idea what was going on as you heard faint voices in the distance. You could tell they were close, but you couldn't tell what they were saying.

But then, you could suddenly tell what they were saying.

"Is she gonna be okay? When will she wake up?"

"I don't know Frisk, but she has a pulse."

"Man, what saved her though? She shouldn't have been able to survive what happened?"

"How did you find her?"

"We found her in the ashes of the cabin, there were several metal beams we found, and one of which had fallen onto her, which should have crushed her and even killed her, but she had no broken bones. Not even any burn marks form the fire."

Everyone in the room was shocked at such a lengthy speech from Sans.

Your eyes forced themselves open and they hurt. All your muscles were sore. Even your throat felt like it was on fire.

"Look! She's awake!" You heard Frisk say as you put a hand on your head from the pain.

"Good to see you awake kiddo." Sans said as you slowly sat up, even though every muscle in your body refused.

"What the hell? How am I... How am I alive?" You asked as your thoughts were filled with how you should be dead right about now.

"We're not so sure. We were hoping that you would know."

You turned your head at the voice and saw Asriel standing by one of the two windows in what you recognized as your bedroom.

"I'm sorry. I don't know. I can't remember anything after the fire started." You admitted.

"All within time I suppose." You turned once again as you just now noticed Toriel standing next to Frisk. "Now come on everyone. We must leave (Y/N) alone. She needs time to rest."

Everyone filed out of the room, and Frisk gave you a small smile and wave before closing the door.

You sighed and then groaned as someone spoke.

"It's a shame. I kind of was looking forward to you being dead." Asriel said as he stepped to the side of your bed.

"Yeah. The only good thing about me being dead is that I wouldn't have to put up with your shit any longer."

He looked shocked by your response but quickly went back to his relaxed non-caring self.

"Whatever. Everyone must be pretty stupid here."

"Why do you say that?"

"Because they gave me first watch over you."

"Are you kidding me? Ugh. It's like they want to bring me more pain than my muscles already are."

"I think it's a great idea. It'll give me more time to know about you and your weaknesses so I know how to kill you easier."

"I know why they put you on first watch." You said realizing something.

"And why do you think that?" He asked smirking a bit.

"Because your the only one who can keep me in here. You all are keeping me from seeing something or someone. Why?"

Asriel sighed. "We're keeping you in here because what you would see is not what anyone like you would have to see."

AN: There it is. Feel free to ask any questions that you want. See you in the next chapter.

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