Chapter 40: World Gone Black

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The big door loomed over all of you as you made your way towards it. It seemed to draw you in. You felt a strong presence of energy flowing around you.

"You feel it too right (y/n)?" Isaac said calmly.

"Yeah. I do." You respond looking at Isaac as you two stared at the giant wood door. "But we have no time to waste. We have to go in now. Every second we stand idly another second she destroys my mind and this world."

"Heh. I knew you'd show up eventually. But I didn't expect little Asriel to make it this far."

Chara's voice echoed through the hall.

"Shut up you schizophrenic maniac!" Asriel shouted with pure anger.

"Only if you can kill me." Chara laughed in a teasing voice. "But that's never gonna happen. Because you don't have any control over yourselves. Especially you two."

The giant door opened and you and Isaac fell to your knees, holding your hands against your heads.

Your teeth clenched, holding back your screams of pain, and glaring up ahead at Chara.

She sat among a throne that omitted sadness, anger, and fear.

"(Y/N)." Isaac grunted through his teeth. "Hold on. Don't let go of yourself."

"It's far too late for that. Don't you think?" Chara said. She chuckled as she stood up. Her knife in hand. "Come on now (Y/N). Stop trying so hard. Just give in to me."

You couldn't answer. The pain stunned you in one place. Luckily. Asriel answered for you.

"You think she'd give in? Your wrong. I don't like her. But I know she won't give up. And I trust her. Kind of."

"You think we'd ever let you win. You look like an ugly thrown out doll you horrible bitch!" Zach yelled hovering next to Asriel.

"I don't really care what happens here. I just want to go home. But you're evil, so I guess I can stick around to kill you." Hunter said as he stepped up onto the other side of Asriel.

"(Y/N)... won't... give... up..." Isaac painfully said. "You killed... my master... So I won't... give up... either..."

"I pity all of you." Chara laughed. "I really do. It's so sad to watch all of you talk so lowly of me and so high of yourselves. Your so wrong."

Chara looked at you. And that was enough. That was enough to push you over the edge.

You screamed. You screamed louder than you've ever screamed in your entire life.

You slipped. And your world. Went black.

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