Chapter 8 The Reunion Part 1

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AN: I am so scared right now. Look at the reads. This is also the chapter when everything goes wrong. Oh my gosh. I'm freaking out! Enough said. Here's chapter 8. Idea was from icecream_oreos

You and Mettaton were walking on the snowy path towards the ruins. "Are you sure you want to go back here darling?"

You nodded your head. "Yes. I do want to go back. I want to know if she remembers me." You held your head high and as you approached the entrance/exit to the ruins, you start feeling dizzy. You grab your head in pain, but quickly shook it off.

Your vision starts to go to a filtered (F/C) (favorite color). You shook that off to, deciding that it was probably just from being out in the snow for too long.

This pain feels different from the pain caused by the magic.


"This hallways too long." Mettaton complained.

"Just keep walking, were almost there." You said plainly. It was true though, you were almost at the staircase. The staircase that you so vividly remember going down the first time.

You climbed the staircase, Mettaton following you.

Once at the top, you looked around the hallway. The hallway that looked no different.

You made a left towards the living room, that also looked the same. The aroma of butterscotch pie filled the room and you darted directly for the kitchen.

You stood still in the doorway, staring at the women who you once thought of as a mother, until you got too selfish and decided to leave.

You heard footsteps behind you and a gasp followed. You turned around and saw a girl that looked about your age, but she looked familiar. Very familiar. Your aching eyes widened as the realization hit you. Your eyes were still tinted (F/C). But, you still ran and hugged the girl anyways.

Tears sprung to your eyes. "I thought I'd never see you again."

"(Y/N)." They whispered back, there own tears threatening to spill out.


The familiar voice of Toriel made you turn back around. Hesitantly, you hugged her. "I-I'm s-sor-"

"Shh. My child, there is no need to apologize." She said in her calm voice.

She let go and you turned back to the girl. "Frisk." You started."How?"

"I couldn't bare the fact that you were gone. I went after you." She said crying and hugging you.

You cried into her shoulder as she cried into yours. You both let go.

Frisk looked at you strangely. "Sis, are you okay? Your eyes are black and your pupils are (F/C)."

You felt dizzy again, the headache coming back. "M-Mettaton." You managed to get out before feeling Mettaton's cold arms pick you up.

"(Y-Y/N)?"You heard a new voice. No, it wasn't new, you knew this voice. You remembered them just as well as you remembered Frisk. In fact, you were like siblings with them. Just like you and Frisk are sisters.

Despite there constant attempts to wake you up, your vision went blurry, and everything went black.

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