Chapter 25 The Plan

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The door that you both went through was easy to get through since it was unlocked.

Andrew and Zach looked at you both in shock. The only thing you focused on was that Asriel had looked untouched by the two men. In fact, he was untied. Asriel got up and ran beside you. "Thanks." He said to you.

"No problem." You said back.

"Who's this guy?"

"That's Evan." You said. "Now let's deal with you two." You said looking at Andrew and Zach. "Evan, give me your gun." You said hesitantly.

"Are you sure?" Evan said handing it to you.

"Yeah." You said taking it from him and looking at Andrew.

Andrew had backed into a corner along with Zach. Andrew spoke as you raised the gun toward him. "You don't know what your doing. Put that down Bitch! Jessica will hear about th-!"

You closed your eyes as you pulled the trigger, firing the bullet straight into Andrews head. You hands were nervously shaking now. You pointed it at Zach now.

Zach spoke quickly. "No please, please!" He yelled as his eyes looked from you to Andrews fallen body on the floor.

You were about to shoot, when Asriel interfered. "Wait!" He yelled as he stepped in front of the gun. "Stop."

You put the gun down. "Thank god." You said. Relieved that you didn't have to shoot anyone else.

"Zach didn't do anything. He actually was keeping Andrew from hurting me. We need him alive." Asriel said.

"Alright." You said, walking up to Zach. "Welcome to the team." You stuck out your hand for him to shake.

He hesitantly shook it. "Thanks for that Asriel." He said looking behind you at him. "And thank you too." Zach said letting go of your hand.

"Alright. Now that this whole mess is out of the way, we can go deal with a bigger problem." You said. "Aright here's the plan."


"Evan! Get up here and bring the girl!" Jessica shouted down.

"There's our cue." I said.

Evan had my hands behind my back, and was leading me up the stairs, and into the living room where Jessica was.

"There you are." She said as she was still smoking her cigarette. Evan did as I told earlier and stared intently at the cigarette box she had. She, as we had hoped, noticed this. "Want one?" She asked.

Evan answered. "Yeah." He said.

She grabbed a cigarette, put it in Evans mouth, and lit it. The smell of the smoke hurt your head a little, but it was all part of the plan.

"Now if you'll excuse me, I need to get a drink." She said as she walked off to the kitchen.

You stomped your foot 3 times quickly on the ground, signaling Asriel, and Zach to come up stairs. They quickly arrived and Evan let go of your arms.

Together, all of you snuck to the kitchen, where Jessica had her back turned as she searched through a wine cabinet. Typical.

Everyone looked at you, but you only looked directly at Evan. You nodded and Evan did exactly what you told him to do at this moment.

AN: I am so mean to leave you guys on a cliff hanger. Sorry, but I'll update soon.

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