1. Another Impending Storm

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A lot has happened since my high school graduation. First, I discovered that hell decided to visit earth, making the temperature of my summer get up to 120 degrees. Second, I discovered that I have some what of a god given metabolism.

How did I find this out? Well considering over the fact that all I've been doing this summer is eating and sleeping, I can proudly say I didn't gain anything! The scale told me itself.

Sadly, all good things have to come to an end, meaning it was now time to go back to school. Only difference is, now it's college.

Surprisingly enough, I'm ready.

I don't even think I'll be in The TigerSharks anymore since it's a whole new school filled with all new people. Im pretty sure they'll be accepting more guys to their team.

Nonetheless, I do kinda miss a girls team. We can just all relate to each other and laugh about dumb stuff.

I looked at myself in the mirror as I brushed my short tangled hair that I decided to cut short this summer since I felt like I was gonna die of a heat stroke.

Out of nowhere, loud punching noises on the bathroom door were made, making me roll my eyes for the 10th time. "Can you wait!" I exclaimed in annoyance.

"Fuck Arielle! You have nothing to brush! You literally look like a bald eagle, you've been brushing nothing for the past fucking hour!" My brother Tanner's groggy voice boomed through the door. "You're not the only one going to school ya know!" He slammed onto the door one last time.

I had enough so I just swiftly opened the bathroom door to him, throwing him the dirtiest look imaginable. "Fine." I purposely shoved myself against him as I walked back to my room with the brush in my hand.

As I looked through my bag to see if I had everything ready for school, my phone quickly notified me about a new text message.

"When are you coming?" My best friend Jade's text read.

"I'm like 2 minutes away." I lied, making me laugh to myself.

"Oh really? Is that why I'm watching you through your window? Lmao?" Her text immediately made my head snap towards the window, giving me a clear view of her in her car, waving her hand at me, immediately making me explode out in laughter.

"I'll be downstairs lol." I sent as I threw on my outfit.

I'd be lying if I didn't say I tried. I actually wanted to look somewhat presentable since it's a whole new school. Plus, no one but my friends has seen me since graduation. Gotta give a good first impression you know?

After minutes of finally getting ready, I rapidly rushed down the stairs in excitement, catching my mom with both of my brothers eating breakfast.

"Honey where are you going?" My mom queried.

"Um to school?" I spoke as I grabbed a piece of toast from Tanner's plate.

"What the fuck!" He slapped my hand as I cackled.

"Tanner your language!" My mom screamed, glaring at Tanner and then onto me. "I thought I was gonna drop you and your brothers off?"

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