23. Visiting the Kraken

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"Alec come on, just please come out of your room!" I looked up at the ceiling as I loudly knocked for the 100th time.

"No!" Alec's voice sounded broken and weak and I felt so bad to hear my brother like this.

"Come on! I don't even see you anymore! Like at all!" I whined, resting my forehead on the door. "Do you wanna build a snowman!" I sang as I felt like Anna, knocking on Elsa's door which never opened.

He croaked out in reply. "It's 97 degrees outside!"

I rolled my eyes as I sighed. "Staying in your room all day won't solve anything!"

"I'm so embarrassed! You don't understand how disgusting it is to have a crush on your half brother! It's the worst feeling in the world!" Just before I could've replied to Alec, another voice chimes in.

"Hah! Fag!" Tanner exclaimed, making me snap back towards him.

As he tried to pass by me, I rapidly tilted his bowl of ice cream, making it fall down the floor.

"What the fuck!" He yelled out loud as I bursted into laughter.

"Because of me, your college tuition is paid off, have some respect dumbass." I spoke as he kneeled down at the ice cream splatter.

"The only reason why it got paid off is because you're a whore and got raped." He snapped as he prepared to pick up the bowl, making my fists clench.

My right leg rapidly swung across Tanner's face for that insanely insensitive, ungrateful, and disrespectful comment. How dare he?

His body fell back as his hand checked his nose for blood. I slowly got my head lower towards him to speak.

I narrowed my eyes at him. "I get it, that you like acting like a careless bad boy or whatever, but don't you dare say something that disrespectful and rude to me, ever again." I pointed my finger at him as I talked. "You'll regret it." His mouth slowly widening.

"I-I-I'm." He stuttered, his elbows laid against the floor. "I'm sorry." He spoke softly, his hair covering his face.

He quickly got up as I turned back around towards Alec's door. "Alec, seriously come out, or else I'm busting the door open." I slammed on his door.

"Mom will get mad if you do that!" Alec exclaimed. "Doors are expensive! Kinda."

I rolled my eyes. "Mind you, not to brag or anything, but for someone who has 240,000 dollars in their back account, busting down a mahogany door is the last thing I'll be worrying about." I spoke loudly.

Then all of a sudden, silence broke out.

I then began to hear small footsteps, subtly making me smile.

The door slowly creaked open, making me then bust it wide open.

I glanced at his messy light blonde hair as my eyes traveled down at his back.

"Get ready." I walked over to open the curtains. "I'm taking you to a friend that will help solve your issues."

"MmmmmmmAHHHHHH!" He screamed into his pillow, his body laying down like a starfish.

I opened the curtains wide, letting the orange afternoon rays hit against every inch of Alec's body.

He raised his head up slightly. "I can feel the sun hit my body and I hate it!" He shrieked like a bat, making me burst out in laughter.

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