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Barry said we had to access Cisco's memories somehow to get his dad out of prison. Barry wanted to get Wells to confess that he killed his mom. We all looked at him wondering how we were gonna do that. The next day and Barry head to S.T.A.R. Labs and see Cisco working on something. We walk in and see Cisco working on some kind of glasses that would help him see his dream more clearly. "So this will allow Cisco to see into his dream?" Barry asks. "I got the idea from a journal article on lucid-dream therapy. They think it can be used to help people suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder." Caitlin says and Barry smiles. "Traumatized, stressed, check and check." Cisco says and I smile. "The theory is it will allow people to objectively enter their dreams and face their fears. Still working on the talking part." Caitlin says.

"And you're sure this thing isn't gonna, you know, mess with my brain." Cisco asks her.

"Oh. The amount of electricity required to trigger lucid dreaming is harmless. Probably." Caitlin says and I smile and Cisco just glares at her.

"Who's lucid dreaming?" we hear Dr. Wells asks as he rolls in and all of our smiles disappear.

"With all of the metahumans in Central City, people have been seeing strange things. Things that they don't understand. And it's really just a matter of time before psychological issues develop." Caitlin says.

"Direct them to specific aspects of that dream." Dr. Wells says.

"We're still working on a communications interface." Cisco says.

"When we dream, the middle brain lights up with electrical activity where as the higher brain remains dormant. Once we find a way to make both parts of the brain active, then it's just a matter of finding the frequency that will simulate the language center." I look at Barry and see that he has a cold look on his face. I wanted to comfort Barry, but I couldn't without pulling him aside and talking to him. We just listened to how we could make the dreamer, in this case, Cisco, talk to us while he's in his dream.

After Dr. Wells helped us with the lucid dream glasses, me and Barry headed to the precinct. I headed up to the lab and sat on the desk waiting for Barry. It was taking Barry a while to come into the lab. Soon he comes up with Cisco and Caitlin. We all stayed here all day until it was night and we were gonna start with Cisco's lucid dream. Caitlin tells Cisco what he was gonna do and I was just laying my head on Barry's shoulder. Joe gave Cisco a glass of milk and he drank it, but kind of hesitated. "Cisco, you're gonna be fine." Barry says and I nod. "The glasses are emitting a low-level delta wave, which should help you fall asleep." Caitlin says and activates the glasses. "Ok. I gotta warn you, though, usually it takes me a long time." Cisco says and I smile at him. "I mean, I'm not saying I'm like an insomniac or anything..." he fades off to sleep and I just smile and snuggle a little closer to Barry.

"Ah. So that's how you get him to shut up." Joe says and I laugh.

"Barry, can we talk for a little bit before anything happens?" I ask him and he nods.

"About what Gideon said, us getting married in the future, it's all to intense to take in. I mean when you do propose, you know I'm gonna say yes, but I really wasn't expecting to hear an AI tell us that we get married in the future."

"I know. But you and me are gonna be fine. Nothing will change because we know about that. I love you." he says and I smile as he leans in and kisses me briefly then we turn back to the others.

"You know, Captain Singh told me that if we ever do decide to get married, to elope."

"We are never doing that. We're gonna have a wedding with our families included. So you better not think about that." I hear him chuckle a little and he kisses my temple.

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