Can't you be mine again? ❤ Chapter 57

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Nia's POV

"I love you so much nia that i can die just to have you back. I want you to be mine again. Can't we be together again? Can't you be mine again?" He ask and my eyes widened to see him like this. To see him crying over me and wanted me back so bad.

"Jungkook you know that we can't right? You know that. I want you to be mine again too but we know it's wrong" I said and caress his face

"No! There is nothing wrong. We can be together again. Chanmi knows that and i won't let go of this chances. I love you nia and im ready to give up everything just to be with you again" He said and hug me i close my eyes and hug him back.

Jungkook's POV

After the talk we have i walk her home and text chanmi right away.

text message....

Me: Meet me at the park.
Chanmi<3: Why is there something wrong? Can't you say it through phone. Mom and i are talking about something really important.
Me: I'll wait. It's really important.
Chanmi<3: Uhhh.. My baby is going to wait for me. Guess it's really important. I'll be there as soon as possible :*

I started walking and arrived at the park. I sit down on the bench and waited there. After 30 mins chanmi arrived and still looking for me. I stood up and she ran to me and hug me but i didn't hug back.

"Im so sorry for being late" She said and was about to kiss me but I avoided it

"I-is there something wrong. Are you mad because im late? Im sorry baby" She said and caress my face i remove it and look at her.

"I-i want to break up with you" I said and look down.

"W-what?" She whisper.

"You heard me. But i will repeat it in case you really didn't hear me. I. Want. To. Break. Up" I said and look at her again. Her tears started escaping her eyes

"Honey this is not the time to joke. Please! Stop it it's not funny" She said and smile weakly and obviously nervous.

"It's true chanmi" I said.

"Why? Why?!?!" She shout

"I love her and you know that. I will do whatever it takes just for her to be mine again" I said

"B-because of nia? Because of her?!? Didn't you see what I've sacrificed just for you to forget her?! Huh?! Didn't you see that? I cried every night when you keep calling me nia but i endure that! And now you will dump me because she's back? What the hell jungkook" She shout while hitting my chest.

"You know that i love her. And im so thankful that you were there when i was hurt but that's all your fault after all. It was all because of you why we've broke up. It's all because of you why nia left me and decided to live at the states because she's hurt. And don't want to suffer from the pain she's feeling before but now that she's back i won't let anyone be with her except me" I said and turn around and started walking. She kept on shouting my name but i didn't bother to look at her. I arrived at my house and throw myself on the bed. I release a sigh and look at the ceiling

"Thank you god for giving me this Chance. And im so sorry to hurt chanmi" I said and take a quick shower and sleep.

The next day....

Third's POV

Nia is walking at the hallway and walk in the bathroom. She face the mirror and smile.

"Guess this is our temporary Fighting place" She said and walk closer to me.

"Why? Do i need to fight with you?" I said and look at her.

"Acting like you don't know. You know that jungkook Broke up with me because you flirted with him!! And now you got him you bitch!!" She said shouting at me then slap me on the face. I slap her back and that made her widened her eyes.

"Don't you ever call me a bitch! You fucking hoe! First of all he was originally mine. And I wasn't the one who flirted. Isn't that you? You destroyed Everything. If it wasn't for you we shouldn't have experienced this kind of thing we are having now. So you should fucking back off and go back to your place where you belong when you left him behind" I said and walk closer to her while her tears escape from her eyes "And never ever come back cause no one needs you here" I said.

"I will fight for jungkook. I will never give up on jungkook! I will do anything just to get him back" She said and walk out the door. I look at the mirror

"Is this right? is this the right thing to do? Am i just only thinking about myself? but he is originally mine" I ask myself and then shook my head

"No! I will get him back. I will fight for him" I said and started walking out the door.

"Hey are you alright?" Someone ask me and i turn around to see who it is.

"Yes jungkook i am" I said and look at him. He hug me and whisper "We can be together again. Can we be officially together again now?" He ask and i nod and hug him back. He carry me and then put me down.

"You don't know how happy i am right now" He said and kiss my forehead. I look at him and smile at him the we started walking. While we're at the hallway all the people are staring at us while we were walking hand in hand. I decided to ignore all of them and continue walking. I know that they are talking about how bitch i am cause all they know is the short story about chanmi and jungkook. I don't like the way how they talk about us but im gonna hold my anger and will not expose the true story unless they insist.

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