Chapter 3

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Later that day, i went shopping for something cute to wear on my date with Alec. Along with me i bought Niall, just so he can drive me around. We drove to the biggest mall in town, i had to look my best for Alec.

"Niall what do you think about this dress?"

"I don't really care."

"Come on Niall, this is important."

"What are you going on a date with Zayn?"

"No i'm not going on a date with that jerk."

"Oh having relationship problems?"

"It's none of your business. Now either help me find something to wear or just go away."

"Alright well i'll be in the food. Call me when your done."

Now i was all alone. What the hell was i going to wear on my date? I wanted to impress Alec. If something sparked between me and him it could get Zayn really jealous and that was my plan. I looked and looked through racks of clothes, until i found it the most perfect piece of clothing ever! A knee length dress with a floral pattern and a cute brown sleeveless jacket. I grabbed a pair of black flats and i made my way to the register. This was totally going to work.


After getting dressed I curled my hair and left it down. I applied some makeup, but not to much, i didn't wanna look like i got raped my a crayon, or have cake face. After i gave myself one final look i grabbed my bag and headed downstairs. Luckily Alec hadn't shown and Niall was upstairs playing video games, he really didn't need to know about this. He still didn't know about me being pregnant. I waited a while until my doorbell rang and i made my way to the door. I opened the door and there he stood. Alec was wearing jeans and a casual button down shirt. Not bad for a first day. Although after looking at him, i feel like i over did it.

"Hey you look amazing." he said.

"Thank you. You look really nice."

"Thanks. Well you ready to go?"

"Yea." i said and we walked out. His car was a Chevy. Not to bad. He opened the door for me and that just made me think of when Zayn and me used to go out, how Zayn would always be a gentlemen and open my door. Whatever though, i was planning on starting something new with Alec, he seemed like he knew how to treat a girl.

The ride to the restaurant was filled with silence. Alec tried making some conversation, but i wasn't to interested in what he had to say, i know it sounded rude, but my mind was on something else. It took Alec around ten minutes to find a parking and when he did it was far from the restaurant. Oh well, we walked to the restaurant and he opened the door. As we were walking to take a seat, i saw him. Yes it was him. I couldn't believe what i was seeing. Zayn with another girl. Looking at the sight broke my heart into a million little pieces. How could he? I know what i was doing was the same, but him doing it just hurt more. I mean there were so many questions like who was she? How did he know her? And how long had they been seeing each other? Was he seeing this girl while we'd been together and is she the reason is denying my baby?

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