Chapter 23

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I had gotten off the bed and into the shower. I felt extremely dirty after what I did with Zayn. I took a long hot shower and came out feeling refreshed. I dried up and put on a new pair of pajamas. These pajamas were blue and much more comfortable. I walked into the room expecting Zayn to be lying in bed, but he wasn't, he was on the phone. It didn't seem like he was talking to a girl it seemed like a very serious talk.

"Zayn who was that?"

"The cop. About the little boy."

"What about him?"

"Well he was abandon at the park."

"That's horrible, but why would they call us?"

"Because I said that if no one came to get him I'd adopt him."

"Seriously Zayn?"

"Yea, theres nothing wrong with helping out a little kid. If your going to come wtih me to get him go change while I take a shower."

Zayn had a point. There was nothing wrong with heping a little boy out. I decieded I'd go along with him. I changed into a pair of bright blue jeans and a black top. I put on a pair of sneakers and waited for Zayn to come out.

When Zayn finally came out he dressed quickly and had rushed me out the house. I honestly had no idea where we were walking, but I just let Zayn guide me. After walking for about ten minutes we entered this big building. The little boy was sitting there crying and it broke my heart, how could two people just leave such a cute innocent little boy behind? While Zayn went to talk to the officer to go sign papers, I went to the little boy. As I got closer I could see his grey eyes. He really was adorable with grey eyes and light brown hair.

"Hi I'm Terra. Whats your name?"

"D-D-Devon." he answered suttering.

"Well Devon Zayn and I are going to take you with us is that ok?"

"I-I-I-I guess." he answered.

"Ok come on sweetie." I said carrying him. I walked over to where Zayn was. I sat down and let Devon sit on lap. We sat there for about twenty minutes finding out information on Devon. Devon was three years old, his dad had died when he was one because of a car crash, his mom was an acholic, his mom had actually come to get him, but they want him with her because it wasn't safe there. Zayn and I signed the adoptin papers and were now legal guardians of Devon.


I put Devon down on the couch and had to figure out where he would be sleeping. We had to get him a bed and decorte his room. Also we had to tell Zayn's parents and mine that we adopted a three year old. I was more worried about how Zayn's parents would take it. I checked the time and it was late, I decided on letting Devon sleep with Zayn, while I slept on the couch, but it ended up being Devon in the middle of me and Zayn. I didn't mind. I guess this was the start of our family. Zayn had told Devon a bedtime story and the he was fast asleep. I thought it was adorable. I kissed Zayn and Devon on their noses and was fast asleep myself.

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