Chapter 33

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I looked at the stick, straight at the sign, I wasn't pregnant. I knew Zayn wanted a baby, and so did I. I also knew he didn't use any protection at all, but I did. I used birth control pills because I just knew that having a baby right now just wasn't right. We had so many things going on like planning our wedding, Devon's birthday soon, my parents coming over. There were just too many things going on and I didn't need the morning sicknesses at all. I tossed the stick into the basket and made sure the pills were no where in sight. I walked out to the living room to see that Zayn was still playing with Devon. I guess Zayn had heard my footsteps becasue he looked up and started walking over.

"So what are the results?"he asked.

"Um.. I'm not pregnant."

"Oh." he said. I could see the dissiapoitment in his eyes.

"Yea, but maybe it's just a sign that right now just isn't a good time. I mean we've got a lot of things going on." I said. I felt the guilt rising up in me and I couldn't bare look into his eyes. I wanted to change the subject as quick as I could. "So my parents are coming over tonight for dinner."

"Oh what time?"

"They should be here any minute." I said. I saw the look on Zayn's face and I knew he wasn't excited about it. Zayn and my parents weren't the best of friends. My parents, Greg, and Niall at one point all tried to talk me out of dating Zayn, but I wouldn't listen.

"Alright well I'm gonna go shower." he said. Hopefully I hid the birthcontrol pills well enough so he can't find it. As soon as he walked away my phone started to ring. I took it out of my pocket and saw that it was Alec. I decided just to answer it so he wouldn't bother me later.

"Hello?" I asked irratated.

"Hey, so have you used the birth control pills?"

"Um yea why?"

"I just wanted to know if they worked. Do they?"

"Yea they do. Now can I hang up?"

"Wait.. I just wanted..." Before he could finish I had hung up.

I dressed Devon up in a cute red Elmo shirt and brown shorts. He chose to wear his black converse and he played out in the backyard until Zayn had come out of the shower. Zayn was already dressed in a brown shirt and jeans. While Zayn was fixing his hair I heard the doorbell. I quickly walked over and opened the door.

"Hey mom! Wheres dad and Greg?"

"They're in the car with Niall we're going out to eat."

"Oh I thought Niall was going to meet us, but this is even better. Zayn's fixing his hair and there's someone I want you to meet outside." I said opening the door wider and having her walk in.

"Who do you want me to meet?"

"Devon, Zayn and I adopted him. I'm gonnna go get him." I said walking out to the backyard and carrying Devon inside. I couldn't really read my mom's expression.

"Oh he's so adorable." She said. "How old is he?"

"He's three. He'll be four next week. Can you guys make it?"

"Of course. I'll take Devon out to the car while you wait for Zayn."

"Alright." I say putting Devon down. Once they walk out I walk into my room seeing Zayn still fixing his hair.

"Are you almost done?"

"Yea, I'm done."

"Finally, my parents and brothers are waiting outside." I say grabbing my bag.


We all decided on eating Chinese food. We were seated in a big booth in the back. It was nice that I finally got to spend sometime with my family.

"So, what made you two adopt Devon?" My father asked.

"Well we found the little boy all alone and we took him to an officer and if no one was going to pick him up, we would adopt him. His mom did show up , but she was an alcoholic and it wasn't safe for him so we adopted him." Zayn answered. Something I was always wondered was why Zayn thought my parents didn't like him.

"Well that's nice." My mom said. She sounded a bit snotty and I gave her a look.

"Mom can I talk to you in the bathroom?!?"

"Of course sweetie." She answered. We both got out of the booth and walked into the bathroom. "What's the matter sweetheart?"

"The way you're talking to Zayn! Why do you have to be so rude?!?"

"Because I've always told you that I don't want you two together and you didn't listen! Now you're engaged to him and you two have a son?!?"

"Yes! Because it's my life! I don't need you to tell me who to date."

"Look I came all the way from Ireland! I don't want to fight with you!" She said and I could clearly see the anger in her eyes.

"Well if you don't approve of Zayn why did you even come?!? If you're not going to support me in the things I do why do you even talk to me?!!?"

"You know what you're right. So Greg, your father, and I will be leaving right now."

"Fine go!" I yelled at her. She stormed out of the bathroom and started shouting to my father that she wanted to head back home. I watched from afar as my father, mother, and both brothers walked out. I walked towards Zayn and saw him look sad.

"Zayn I'm so sorry. I didn't mean for this to happen."

"Babe I know, but I told you that your mother didn't like me. "

" I know and I'm sorry. My mother and I might not even be talking anymore. Can we just go home?" I asked trying to hold my tears back.

"Of course." He said carrying Devon.c


I walked straight up to our room while Zayn tucked Devon in. I couldn't hold the tears back anymore I sat on the bed crying my eyes out until Zayn came in. He sat beside me with his arm around me.

"Zayn I know I screwed up!"

"Babe, no you didn't. Your mother is just mad. Eventually she'll get over it and call. I know you're exhausted, just get some sleep."

"Alright." I answered wiping away the tears and changing. I laid down in bed with Zayn holding me. I knew he was trying to make me feel better, but it wasn't working. Tonight I just had to cry myself to sleep.

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