Chapter 10 - Veronica's POV

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Saturday night

I walked into my bedroom, just coming out of the shower. I was going to get ready for my date with Zayn. It would be our first official date, not just going out as friends. Hopefully Zayn and i would have a relationship, and he'd forget about his ex.

For this date me and Zayn were going bowling, so i took out a black low cut blouse and pink skinny jeans. I wore my favorite black and white Adidas. I applied some makeup and brushed my hair. I decided to leave my hair loose. Hopefully Zayn would like how i was dressed. Although me and Zayn had just met i wanted a real relationship with Zayn, i sort of felt a connection, all i needed was for Zayn to forget about his ex.

Once i was dressed and my makeup was all done, i looked in the mirror. I was pleased with what i saw. I grabbed my bag and went downstairs. Zayn would be here any minute and my parents could not get the door. The reason for that was because i had lied to Zayn about my age, i wasn't nine-teen i was only six-teen.

I heard the door and raced to it. There he was, that perfect boy. He looked great in his black jeans and white shirt. The shirt was sort of tight so it showed off his abs a bit.

"Ready to go cutie?" he asked


"Well you do know i'm going to win though right?

"Sure Zayn, but i'm a pro so you winning is not possible."

"Alright babe, we'll see about that." he said. Oh my God i couldn't believe he called me babe!!


When we got to the bowling alley it was pretty empty, it was Zayn, me and like two other couples. I guess other people would be coming in. Zayn had gone to get the bowling shoes, while i got snack for us. I went to the vending machine and got two bags of chips and two cherry pops. I guess this would be fine for now. I walked over to where Zayn was standing. He was texting someone, but i didn't think much about it, until i got closer to him and he turned his phone of in a rush. He better not be texting his ex!!

We played around three rounds, until he had to use the bathroom. He had left his phone on the table, so i decided i'd take a look, i put in his pass code which was 2211. All the text were there. He was texting his ex!! How could he?!?! I looked through the text and they read:


We should talk about us.


Zayn, you made things complicated between us threes nothing to talk about.

I didn't want to read anymore, but i did see that he wrote ' I love you Odalis' , but didn't send it to her. So i decided i'd change that. So the text i sent read:

You need to leave me alone, i've moved on, i'm in love with Veronica.

Before Terra could text back, Zayn came back. I placed his phone on the table before he noticed i had it.

"Ready to get something to eat?" he asked.

"Yea, maybe a burger?"



We walked to the nearest burger joint. Zayn had ordered the for the both of us and when he came back with the food, we started to talk about what we wanted in life. He had told me he wanted to be married before thirty and have at least two kids, but more would be nice. I told him that i'd like the same thing. If he thought we had the same future goals maybe i'd be saying my vows to him.

Before we left the place, he had gotten a text, damn. He looked at his phone and i took a peek at it, thank God it wasn't Terra, it would of been very awkward. We walked out of the burger joint hand in hand, this was my dream from the moment i laid my eyes on him. He walked me to my front door and before i went in, he pecked me on the cheeks. When i walked in my house i was all giggly. I sure could get used to Zayn doing that to me. I would even love to call him my boyfriend. This had been the best night of my life.Now Terra was becoming a smaller obstacle in my relationship with Zayn.

For the rest of the night i wondered how Veronica Malik would sound, and i loved it. I doodled it all over notebooks that night, because one day i would be Mrs. Malik and i'd be signing my name on things using my future husbands last name. Zayn always gave me butterfly's, i really did feel a connection with him tonight and it was a strong connection.

You're Only MineOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora