Chapter 44

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The next morning I woke up freezing inside of my car. There were already multiple cars in the lot, so the mall must of been full. Since I didn't have any clothing with me I decided to go in and try to find something nice to wear on my date. I went to my favorite store Forever 21, but found nothing that would be good enough for the date. I then went into Urban Outfitters and found the cutest purple top with a black belt across it. To go with that top I found a pair of black jeans. This would look perfect for my date. I looked through the shoes and found the perfect pair of white pumps. I took the clothing and paid for it. I was now out forty-five bucks. My money is very limited until I can find myself a job, so I couldn't be buying new clothing everyday. Even though I didn't want to see Zayn, I had to. I needed my stuff.

I walked to my car, and took the long drive back to Zayn's. My heart was starting to race, what would Zayn do or say? Would he even care that I was gone? Had Veronica stayed the night with him? Zayn would probably leave me for Veronica. He deserved to be with a slut like that, he was a man-whore himself. Once in front of his house I knocked three times, to see a sleepy looking Zayn. He was only in his boxer and his hair was all messy.

"What are you doing here?" He asked.

"I'm here to get my stuff." I said pushing through him. When I walk into the living room I see my suitcase near the couch and the one person I hate the most on the couch asleep. Of course she had stayed here, they probably had sex too on top of that. I honestly wanted nothing to do with Zayn.

"Can I talk to you?" he asked.

"About what there's nothing to talk about."

"I love you Terra." he says and I feel my heart breaking, knowing his I love you's are just a lie. I try and hold in my tears, but fail.

"Do you?!? Do you fucking really?!? You fucking have this whore on your couch!!! Zayn you know I love you, but I can't accept this shit! I've accepted bullshit from you, way to many times and this draws the line. I love you, but I have to move on!"

"Why move on? We have a son together."

"Yea, well we can just figure out who gets him during the week and who gets him over the weekend." I say walking out, heart broken. I love Zayn, I really do, but by the looks of it this is possibly the end for both him and I.

I head back to my car and cry. I think of all the things I thought would happen between Zayn and I. I thought we'd be getting married, I thought we'd have children together, but I was wrong. I didn't think Veronica would ruin things.

I drive away from the house and head over to the White Heart Pub. Time had gone by very fast. It was already seven p.m. and I only had an hour to get ready. Since I didn't have a home, I had to change in the bathroom of this bar. I grab my bag of clothes and head inside.

"Hey little lady! Where ya going?"


"Customers only!"

"I'm meeting someone here can I please you're bathroom?" I ask annoyed.

"Only if you buy something." he answers.

"Fine, give me a beer."

"Nice choice." he says handing me a beer and I pay him for this overpriced beer. "Now can I use the bathroom?"

"Sure!" he says. I roll my eyes and walk to the bathroom, quickly getting into one of the stalls. I quickly change into my purple top, black jeans, and white pumps. I throw my dirty clothes into my bag and head to the sink. I put my hair into a bun and do my makeup, applying a smokey eye. I pull my hair down, leaving it down. I hear my phone ring and it's Conner. A small smile creeps on my face when I read his text.

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