Chapter 15

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The next morning I woke up with Zayn's strong arms wrapped around me, I couldn't get use to this though. I was just getting Zayn back for lying about Alec, not accepting my baby, and making me go through all the shit he has made me go through.

"Morning babe." I said with a smile.

"Good morning." he said as he kissed my forehead.

"I think I should start heading home now. Last night was fun."

"Well at least let me make you breakfast, while you shower."

"Ok." I said getting out of his bed. I walked into his bathroom and found my toothbrush in his cabinet. I took it out and applied toothpaste. I brushed my teeth and got rid of that nasty morning breath. I put my hair up in a bun and went back into his room. I went into his closet and grabbed underwear, a bra, the blue floral top I came in, and my white skinny jeans. I walked back into the bathroom and undressed. I stepped into the tub and took a quick shower. Once done with my shower I stepped out and placed my feet on the blue fuzzy carpet. I dressed up quickly and brushed my hair. Once I was done I walked into the kitchen and saw Zayn cooking. I smelled the aroma of pancakes. He still remembered my favorite. I walked over to him and saw how yummy his pancakes looked.

"Need help?" I asked.

"Nope, I'm almost done, but thanks for the offer."

"Yea no problem." I reply grabbing two plates. Zayn flipped a pancake on to my plate and I sat at the table. He sat across from me and we ate together. It had been a while since we had done this and it was kind of nice, but no I couldn't fall for Zayn again, I was almost completely over him. I was doing this as payback.

"Mmmm this are really good. I don't remember you making them as good before." I said to break the silence.

"Well, I've learned over the past three months."

"Oh, that's nice. Well thank you for breakfast, I gotta go now."

"Remember our deal right?"

"Yup you break up with Veronica and I'll break up with Alec tonight."

He nodded as I walked away. I grabbed my bag and headed out the door and to my car. Once inside my car I thought about last night, how everything has changed over three months. I couldn't let the past bring me down. I drove home and hopefully Niall would be there by now.

Once i had finally made it home, I saw Niall just getting in.

"Hey Niall wait up!!"


"I didn't have my keys last night, I stood at Zayn's since my keys were upstairs and you were at mom and dads."

"Oh alright. What happened last night?"

"Nothing really we just a movie and slept. I 'got back' with him as revenge for lying to me about Alec and all. So really the night isn't much to talk about." I answered. When I looked back I saw Veronica and I knew she heard what I said about getting back with Zayn for revenge. It didn't matter though because Zayn was breaking up with her and I was going to stomp on his heart like he did mine.

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