Chapter 20

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Tonight I had promised Zayn I would break up with Alec. I mean I had reasons to.He had lied to me about a pregnancy and miscarriage. I took a quick shower and dressed in a blue low cut top, black jeans, and blue converse.I honestly didn't know why I was nervous to break up with Alec, maybe because it would be the first time breaking up with someone. I was dressed and ready. I was waiting for Alec to show up. I know Zayn would be following so I had to make sure Alec didn't see him.

~9:30 P.M.~

I finally heard a knock on my door. I went to open it and saw Alec there with flowers.

"Hey." he said when I opened the door.

"Um... Hi Alec."

"Ready to go?" he asked

"Yea." I said. He held my hand I looked into his eyes. He looked so happy,but if only he knew what was going to happen.

~At the resturant~

Alec had parked about two blocks away from the restaurant, and Zayn had parked three blocks away. Zayn was pretty good at following. At times I would loose him myself.

"So....Alec. We need to talk about something.:

"Yea I know. I want you to meet my family."

"Alec, no I mean about our relationship. Like where its going."

"Yea I know, I think its time you meet my parents. They know about you. I want them to meet you."

"Alec. You need to listen."

"Ok go ahead."

"We need to break up" I said as fast I could not wanting to see the pain in his eyes.

"What do you mean? Why all of a sudden you want to break up?"

"Because I'm back with Zayn. I'm sorry." I say. I look to where Zayn is. He was watching us. Alec had seen Zayn to.Alec had gotten out of his seat, I had no idea what Alec was planning on doing. He walked over to the table where Zayn was sitting and started screaming at him. Zayn had gotten up to defend himself and Alec had swung giving Zayn a black eye. I ran over to where the boys were and broke it up.

"STOP!!!" I yelled as loudly as I could.

"Babe, lets just get out of here." Zayn said grabbing my hand. I followed Zayn out and looked back at Alec. He had watery eyes and was staring at me. I couldn't help but feel bad. But I had to think either I'd stay with a liar like Alec, or be happy with Zayn.

Once at home, Zayn had lyed down. His eye had gotten worse and I had given him an icepack.

"Zayn are you ok?" I asked.

"Yea I'm fine babe. Alec won't be though."

"What do you mean?"

"I'm gonna kill him. He's fucking crazy."

"Zayn no! Your not going to touch him!! I don't want you in trouble with the law do you understand me?!?!"

"Yea yea fine I won't do a thing." He replied.

"Zayn I'm serious!! I know he's crazy but don't touch him!! Now just get some rest!" I said kissing his forehead. He had closed his eyes and was soon asleep. Today had been a long horrible day. Hopefully there won't be anymore drama between Zayn and Alec. I don't need a dead ex and a fiance in jail.

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