Chapter 41

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After the case Zayn and I receive the wonderful news that we've re-gained custody of Devon. We were able to take Devon home right away and I was glad. Once we got to the car, I put Devon in his bumper seat and stood in the back with him because I had missed him so much.

Right now there were so many questions going through my mind such as, how were Devon and Alec related? Were they even related? Or was this lady just nut? As I try to think of reasonable answer for all of these questions Zayn pulls me from my thoughts.

"Are you coming to the house with us?" he asks.

"Yea I've got to get my car, and go somewhere, but I'll be back." I say and he nods.

When we approach the house I kiss Devon on the cheek and head to my car. I started driving to Alec's to go and get my stuff and to get some fucking answers. While driving towards Alec's house I eat a few stop signs and red lights, but I honestly don't give a damn. I park my car right in front of the house and storm in.

"Where'd you go babe?"

"No, I'm going to be the one asking the fucking questions! I want to fucking know why the fuck your mom had my son for about a whole week!"

"You mean Devon?"

"Yes I fucking mean Devon! I was in court with your fucking mom! Mary Wills, why the fuck did she have Devon?!?"

"Look, it's a very long story, I don't want to talk about it."

"Well, I want to know now!" I demand him.

"Fine....fine, just sit down." says and I take a seat on the couch. He follows, taking a seat on the other couch and becoming very silent.

"Well?" I ask impatiently.

"Mary Wills, is my mother. She's Devon's grandmother."

"Wait so Devon is your son?!?"

"Yes, but let me finish. After his mother gave birth, she just left us and I became depressed and started doing drugs, and drinking alcohol. My mother took him, then started drinking alcohol herself and that's why Devon was left at the park. The day at the amusement park was planned between her and I." he says. By the time he finishes speaking my mouth is wide open.

"Do you know how fucking worried I was?!? Yet you knew about everything?!? You even fucking planned it with your God damn mother! You are very fucking sick!! I'm taking my shit and I am out of here today!" I say running upstairs to grab my stuff. I quickly gather my things and head back downstairs.

"Terra you're making a big mistake, I hope you know. I know exactly where Zayn lives and I know you'll be there too, there's so many things possible that can be done to both you, just by me."

"Fuck off." I say walking out, not looking back. I sit in my car, thinking of what to do. I have no where to go. I absolutely want nothing to do with Alec, Niall probably wants nothing to do with me, and Zayn, I'm just not ready for that. I decided to just go back to Zayn's for a while.

When I arrive in front of the house, I see him and Devon playing outside, which makes me smile. I really do want to be a family again, but Zayn and I can't keep having these stupid fights. I really do want to have a family. I get out of my car and walk towards them. Devon smiles and waves at me, and I do the same.

"Zayn, can we talk." I ask.

"Sure, let me just take Devon inside really quick." he says and I nod. He goes inside with Devon and seconds later he's back out.

"So what did you want to talk about." he asks.

"I want to talk about us. I want us to be a thing again, just without all the fights."

"All I can say is move back in and we can try and fix things."

"No Zayn. I don't want to move fast. I want things to be slow."

"So where are you going to stay?"

"I don't know. Can I stay here until I find a place to go?"

"Sure." he answers, looking a bit sad.

"Zayn, you do know I love you, I just can't move that fast with you. You still haven't proven why I should come back to you."

"I know." he sighs. "Maybe we can go out tonight. You, Devon and I" he says with hopeful eyes.

"Sounds like a plan." I say kissing his nose. I grab my suitcase from the car and get inside of the house.

Tonight we were going out as a family, it would be the first time in a long time. Devon dressed in a little black shirt that had a tie on it, black jeans, and little blue Toms. His hair was messy and he looked adorable.

Zayn was dressed in white shirt, black jacket, and black jeans. I dressed in a blue dress with sparkles on the shoulders. My hair was left down in curls and I applied some light make up. When we were all dressed we headed out.

Once at the restaurant we sat a booth. Zayn and I talked about how glad we were to have Devon back with us. Zayn and Devon went to the bathroom and I was there alone. I got on my phone, until I heard someones hands hit the table and I looked up to see the one and only Veronica.

"What a lovely surprise to see you here." I say sarcasm clear in my voice and she rolls her eyes.

"I've got to talk to you about something important." she says sitting down. This couldn't possibly be good.

"So, Alec told me that you've got custody of our son again." she says and my heart stops.

"Your son?"

"Yup, Alec and I's son. I left them after birth. You think you've got custody of Devon forever, well you're wrong. I don't like you Terra, and I don't care to much about raising Devon, but if taking Devon away from you makes you sad, I don't mind raising Devon." She says

"What are you going to do, take me to court? I've already been there and I wouldn't mine going back to keep custody of my son." I spit back at her.

"Don't worry you'll be getting court papers tomorrow. Alec and I will become a family once we get our son back." she says getting up and walking away. Now this was way to much to process. I had coustdy of Veronica and Alec's son. How the fuck would this happen to me?

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