Chapter 36

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It had been twenty-four hours since Devon had gone missing. Zayn and I had already filed a missing person report and were waiting for a call that Devon had been found. We knew we wouldn't get a call soon, but there was hope that they would find him quickly and he'd be back home with us where he belongs. The whole day was spent making signs that hoped would help find Devon.

"Hey babe, I'm gonna head out ok?" Zayn says taking me out of my thought.

"Um.. ok where are you going?"

"Um, I'm just going to get a beer, do you want anything?"

"No I'm fine, thanks, but make it quick. "

"Alright I will." he says kissing me on the cheek and heading out the door. While Zayn is gone I decided to watch 'The Lords Of Salem'. Hopefully this movie will get my mind off of things for a little while.

After watching the two hour movie, it is now midnight, and still Zayn has not returned. I check my phone to see if he called or left any text messages, but nothing. I decided to call him, but when I do he doesn't answer. I honestly don't know what he could be doing he probably is driving around looking for Devon, but I highly doubt it, whenever Zayn goes to get a beer it's never good. I lay down in bed, hoping that Zayn is ok and that when I wake up, he will be next to me.

The next morning I am awaken by the bright sun shining in. When I open my eyes, Zayn isn't next to me, he isn't even in this house. I check my phone again and no texts or calls from Zayn, this is pathetic. How could he be doing this? I know he is sad about Devon missing, but so am I, but I'm not out being stupid. I call Zayn once again, and still no answer from this jack ass. I decide to forget about it and do whatever I feel like.

I walk to the kitchen and make myself some breakfast. When I am about to sit and eat, that's when I hear the door open, and in walks Zayn. His eyes are bloodshot and he looks totally out of it.

"What's for breakfast?" he asks walking by me.

"First I want to know where you've been all night."

"I went out to get a beer." he simply reply's.

"So getting a beer takes all night?!?!"

"Um no, but I ended up staying at my parents house."

"And a simple call or text was to hard for you to do?!?"

"Would you shut up and just give something to eat?"

"No! Look at you! You're fucking high, and your breath fucking smells like beer, so early in the fucking morning. Do you really expect me to believe that you stood at your parents house and they would let you drink and do drugs in their house?!?"

"This is why I stood out all night. I didn't want to come home to your whiny ass."

"I will not have you disrespect me in my house." I say and for some reason that makes him chuckle.

"Your house? Your fucking house?!? This is my house! I asked you to move in with me. So don't all of a sudden think that because I asked you to move in here means you automatically own it." he says and he is right, which makes my feel kind of stupid.

"Ok, but still I won't have you disrespecting me!"

"Ok so if you don't want to hear me, you can pack your shit and use that door to get the fuck out of my house."

"Fine I will. I fucking hate you! Our son is fucking missing, and your to worried about getting high and drinking. What the fuck is your problem?" As soon as I finish talking Zayn walks past me and lays down on the couch, obviously not caring that we were just fighting. I storm off to the bedroom and grab my suitcase. I throw all my clothes in. I'm way too pissed off to worry about folding my clothes right now. I throw in all my shirts, jeans, socks, underwear, and shoes into the suitcase and zip it up. I grab all of my cosmetics and perfumes and put it in another bag. Before I head off I call Niall to tell him that I will be moving back in. On the second ring he answers.

"Hello?" he answers.

"Hey, Niall. Is it cool if I move back in?"

"Um , yea of course." he says shock clear in his voice.

"Ok, thanks. I'll be there in about an hour." I say hanging up. I put my phone in my pocket and grab my stuff off of the bed. Before I walk out of the house, I take one last look at Zayn, asleep on the couch. How could I have fallen in love with someone who becomes heartless when something traumatic happens? I walk out of the house not looking back again. I put all of my stuff into my car and drive off.

When I finally arrive in front of my brothers house, I take a deep breath, knowing all the shit I will be getting from him. I grab my stuff and knock on the door. When Niall finally opens the door he greats me with a smile and grabs my bags for me.

"So what made you come back?" he asks.

"I don't really want to talk about that now, maybe later? Can we just say I had problems with Zayn and that you were and I was wrong?"

"Hmmm.. alright, but I've got to say I told you so. And when you tell me what happened you know I will be telling you how much I hate Zayn and have since I first met him."

"Ugh I know." I say rolling my eyes, and Niall starts to laugh.

"So anything new going on?" I ask, just having to know.

"Well I've met someone." He says his cheeks being to turn red.

"Oh really, who's the lucky lady?"

"Well I have plans with her tonight and she's meeting me here. So you can meet her tonight, if you want."

"Well of course I want to meet her, I bet she's really nice." I say. Niall put my suitcase in my old bedroom and leaves me to start unpacking. It actually feels good to be back at home, but I do miss Zayn a lot. I start unpacking and putting all my clothes the way they were before I left. Everything about this room kind of looks the same, nothing at all has been moved around, it's just a bit dirty, since Niall is lazy and will only clean the parts of the house he's in.

Once I'm done unpacking, I check my phone once again, just to check if I have anything from Zayn and I do. His text message reads:

Hey, so um I need to talk to you. It's important, but first I want to apologize about what had happened I lied about staying at my parents house, please come over so we can talk because you don't know everything that happened and I want to tell you. I want to tell you face to face, so please think about it and come over.

I roll my eyes and toss my phone on the bed I have no time for this, there are way more important things then having to know what Zayn did last night, even though I'm pretty sure he cheated, but right now I just don't care much. I decided to take a nap and just relax.

When I wake up from my nap, I hear the doorbell ring, which most likely is Niall's new girlfriend. I walk to the living room and there she is. She turns around to face me and it's the last person I'd ever expect to see again in my life. She and I both are sharing the same horrified expression.

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