Chapter 35

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I rolled my eyes as both Devon and Zayn begged to stay at this damn amusement park. I was exhausted and was getting irritated from waiting in line for every single ride. I looked at them both giving me puppy dog faces, Devon looked so cute with his big eyes.

"I don't know, I'm really.."

"Please mommy." Devon says before I can even finish my sentence. He knows calling me mommy pulls my heart strings and I can't say no.

"Fine." I sigh. "But not to long, ok?"

"Yay!!" Devon shouts.

"Babe I've got to use the bathroom, take him yeah?" Zayn says.

"Ok." I sigh. I grab Devon's hand as he leads me to ride he wants to get on next. It does suck that he's still to small to get on almost half the rides, which means we always end up on the same line for the same ride. Devon starts picking up his speed as we get closer to the ride.

When we are in the back of the line, of the ride Devon just got off of, my phone rings. I dig it out of my bag to check who it is. It's a private number, but I answer anyway.

"Hello?" I say.

"You better watch your back." A voice says.

"Um... Who is this?"

"You'll know soon enough." I hang. It had to be Zayn prank calling me. I put my phone back into my bag and move up the line. I start growing impatient waiting in this line. My phone buzzes this time and I check who it is, its a stupid text from a number I don't know.

Someone you're very close to, just may be gone before you know it.

I roll my eyes at the stupidity. It's bad enough that this line won't move, but now someone just wants to bother me.

After forty-five minutes of waiting in this line, we finally get on the ride. I myself am not enjoying the ride, but seeing Devon smile and laugh is good enough for me. I can hear his cute little laughs all through the ride which brings a smile to my face. After the short ride we walk to a table. I text Zayn telling him exactly where we are and he reply's telling me he'll be here in a few minutes.

When Zayn arrives to the table he sits across from me.

"So are we leaving now?" I ask hoping the answer is yes.

"Nah, maybe one more ride." Zayn replies

"Fine, but after the no more."

"Alright, alright." he says.

"Which ride are you going on?" I ask. Zayn points to a ride that Devon has been on multiple times.

"You should come on with us." Zayn offers, but I decline. Instead I tell him that I'll just sit on a bench nearby and he nods.

I sit down on the bench and start playing candy crush, it's the only past time I have while I wait for them. I get a bunch of text from the same number but decided to ignore it, it couldn't be that important. I get so into the game that before I know it Zayn is in front of me with a worried look.

"What's wrong?" I ask standing up.


"Wait where the hell is Devon?!?!"

"Well um one minute he's next to me and then the next he's gone just like that. I have no idea where he could have gone, or who have taken him." Zayn says and I could see tears forming in his eyes. I start to panic and throw my phone into my bag. How the fuck could this happen?!?!

"Look! We'll just split up and try to find him! If we find him then one of us will call. I'm going to look for him on the right side of the park and you take the left!!" I shout at Zayn in anger. How could he be so irresponsible and let Devon out of his sight? If we couldn't handle a three year old how would be able to handle a new born? That wasn't important right now. What was important was looking for my baby, I prayed quickly to myself that he was safe and would bump into me soon. I started searching every of my side and still no Devon insight. I had even gone to where all the lost children were and still didn't even find him there. How could this happen?!? I text Zayn just to see if he had any luck.


Have you found him yet?!?!"


No, no luck of finding him.

As of this point I was angry as fuck, and worried, and so many other emotions I couldn't explain. I had walked around the damn park three times both right and left. I called Zayn to see if he had found Devon yet. He picked up on the second ring.

"Where are you?"

"I'm..I'm still looking for Devon." He answered and I could clearly tell he was crying, I was about to start crying to, but I had to keep looking. This park was closing in five fucking minutes and there was hardly anyone around. I couldn't help it the tears started streaming down. I walked over to where.

"What part of the park are you in, so I can head over there."

"I'm where the bathrooms are." he says. I hang up and practically run to the bathrooms. When I get to Zayn he is sitting down, with his face in his hands clearly crying. I sit next to him and stay quiet. I have nothing to say, yelling wouldn't help anything at all.

I see a security guard walking towards us. He's obviously here to tell us we have to leave.

"Look, before you kick us out, we've lost our son, and there's no one here, but by any chance have you seen a little boy with gray eyes and light brown hair? He's got a deep dimple, please tell that you've seen him anywhere."

"Well ma'am there were hundreds of kids here, you'll have to be more specific then that. Maybe a picture?"

"Oh um.. yea of course." I say sliding through the pictures on my phone. I show the man and he nods.

"Yea, yea I've seen that kid. I saw him leaving with someone. It was a woman,who was a bit shorter then you, had gray hair, and blue eyes. Maybe it was his grandmother."

"No sir, it wasn't he came with us.I just need to know what type of car they came in."

"I'm sorry ma'am ,but I can not reveal that to you. The park is closed, so you must go now." he says.

Zayn slowly stands up and grabs my hand. We walk out of the park both looking down. How could this have happened? I know there will be a fight, but I just want Devon to some how show up. Zayn unlocks the car and we get inside. It's a quiet drive back home, but there's just something on my mind.

When we get home Zayn and I don't speak much. I head straight to bed and pull my phone to re-read that text.

Someone you're very close to, just may be gone before you know it.

It had to mean something, something horrible. I decided to text back.

Have you got him?

I stare at my phone for about an hour, before its clear that they won't text back. Whoever called and sent those messages have to have Devon, but who it could it be? If I called they wouldn't answer. I think of all the people it could be, but no one comes to mind. I think of the woman the man described, but I don't know anyone who looks like that. Calling the police and filing a missing person report comes to mind, but as they always, you have to wait twenty-four hours before filing a report. So it would be no use, but if I put two and two together whoever sent those messages has Devon, and I won't waste anytime, I'm going to find out who it is and when I find who they are I most likely will kill them.

My eyes begin to get heavy, but tears start to come out. I end up crying myself to sleep. Gladly Zayn is still in the living room, so he won't see me cry.

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