Chapter 45

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It was already Friday evening, Conner and I were arriving to the restaurant, the four of us had agreed on. Although I was with Conner, Zayn was still fresh on my mind, that kiss was so passionate, I don't think I would ever forget it.

"Are you coming?" I heard Conner ask, which pulled me out of my thoughts.

"Yea." I answered stepping out of the car. Tonight I knew Veronica would be dressed in a slutty manner to try and impress Zayn, so tonight I decided on wearing a tight red, strapless dress. The dress stopped just above my knee and the black pumps that I was wearing really did flatter my legs.

When Conner and I enter the restaurant, I see Zayn and Veronica, laughing and having such a good time, if that were Zayn and I there would be a huge fight, with both of us at each others neck. Conner and I walk towards the table and I take a seat across from Zayn. I take one look into those beautiful hazel eyes and I already know that this night will end horribly for me.

"So... you guys ready to order?" I hear Veronica's annoying voice ask. The three of them order some type of fish dinner, while I just get ribs. Looking at Zayn with Veronica is just like a stab to the heart, I don't think I can handle looking at Zayn with her all night.

"Excuse me." I say standing up to go to the restroom.

"Where are you going?" Veronica asks.

"Restroom." I answer.

"Oh I'll come with." she says standing up and following me. Of course she'll come, just to annoy me. When we get to the bathroom there is no one in there, but Veronica and I. I look at myself in the mirror and start to fix my makeup and that's when I hear the door lock, I look over to Veronica, who's got the devil in her eye.

"What are you doing?" I ask a bit nervous.

"I just want to talk. You know Zayn is mine now, and he'll never be yours again. I will do you a favor and get Alec put in jail, but other then that stay away from Zayn!" she says and shortly after walks out. I look at myself once more in the mirror and let the tears come out. My heart is broken. I love Zayn more then anything, but she's right Zayn is hers now and that kiss we shared meant nothing at all to him, but meant the world to me. I decided on just leaving through the window, I was done with this damn date. Once I made my way out of window and landed on all fours. I got up noticed my knees were bleeding. This night couldn't get any better.

It was freezing out here and I had left my jacket in the restaurant, along with my money and car keys, but luckily I still had my phone on me, but who would I call? I walked up and the down the streets alone. I had a lot on my mind and I couldn't stop myself from crying. Once I turn the corner I see Zayn with a worried expression on his face.

"Are you ok?" he asks walking quickly towards me.

"Yea, I'm fine. You should go back in there." I suggest while wiping the tears away.

"No, I told Conner to take Veronica home. I came out here to find you. You must freezing." he says while putting my jacket around me.

"Well you found me. What now? You're still Veronica's."

"Yea, but I don't want to be." He says.

"Well then what do you want?!?"

"I want you! I love you more then anyone in this world."

"Well it doesn't fucking look that way! One minute we're fine, then we get into a fight. I head back home, hoping we can work it out, but instead I see you ready to fuck Veronica! Is that how you fucking show you love someone?!?"

"No! I messed up, but so have you!" he says back, which brings me into the realization that I have hurt him too.

"Look I'm sorry ok?"

"I wish it were that easy for me! Instead you want me to prove to you that I love you! How do you want me to prove that to you?!? When you mess up all you do is apologize and I'm the idiot who forgives you every single time!!!" He shouts at me. As he says this, I now realize how many times I was wrong and how I should of given him the benefit of the doubt, but I didn't. All I do is apologize and he's happy again.

"Zayn, can we just start again, please? You know I love you."

"Fine." he sighs. "Are you going to come with me tonight?"

"Can I ?" I ask nervously.

"Yea just get in the car." he says and I get in, not wanting another fight.

The ride to the house is silent, an awkward silence, but I don't care, as long as I'm with Zayn. When he pulls into the driveway I quickly get out of the car and wait for him to unlock the door. Once we are inside I no one, not even Devon.

"Um, where's Devon?"

"Gave him away." he says.

"What, are you fucking crazy I should fuc....." before I can finish I feel his soft lips on mine, and I instantly forget everything I was about to say.

"I'm just kidding, he's with my parents for tonight."

"That's not funny." I say with a slight chuckle.

"Was for me." he replies with a cheeky grin.

"I'm exhausted. Can I sleep on the couch?" I ask.

"Don't want to sleep with me?" he asks and I slowly nod. I walk upstairs and grab one of his t-shirts and a pair of his boxers. I quickly change into his clothes since I don't have my own with me. I love how big Zayn's shirts are on me. I dump the dress in the hamper and head to the bedroom to see Zayn already in bed, shirtless. He pats the side next to me and I lay next to him.

"You know I've missed you, a lot. Sleeping on this bed alone is horrible. It's like I'm missing a part of me when you're gone." he says, and I blush lightly.

"I've missed you too." I say. I turn over on my side and I feel Zayn's arm wrap around me holding me close. I know we've just started over and this is to soon, but I don't mind because I've missed it. Before I fall asleep I fell Zayn's lip leave a kiss at the top of my head and I fall into a deep sleep with a smile on my face. A smile that I haven't had in a while. A smile that only this boy can make appear.

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